MI5, Peel Park Primary School, 2009 Contingency Drill and Purves Ali

Who is Purves Ali? When you look at folk like Purves you have to see private intelligence. You have to see Purves as nothing other than a puppet for corporate interests slap bang in the middle of the children’s world, your children’s world. You need to learn how the body corporate have set up their own emergency control platform, drilled it and are ready for activation of the Contingency Act 2004. Time to look closely at the people who have influence in our social communities, and not accept the Stakeholders choice of minion.

Undermining the canon law, emissaries of the Holy See

In western civilisation nations are governed by the canon law administered by the Vatican as an arm of Rome. The Holy See is the supreme head of the Roman Empire and is controlled by bloodlines that became the priesthood under King Cyrus. At what point this takeover took place is debatable but a study of the Byzantine elites does suggest that they are cause of the initial undermining of the Vatican canon law.

Your Prime Minister Boris Johnson out of Europe into Israel

Brexit maybe but what really controls this Conservative government? Like Cameron before him Johnson has sinister friends meet donor Poju Zabludowicz. Zabludowicz’s co-investor in this scheme – controversial businessman Scot Young – was found impaled on the railings outside his London flat in 2014. An inquest on Young’s death found insufficient evidence of suicide, and his family suspected he had been murdered. Young’s ex-wife believed that he had used supposed losses on his business project with Zabludowicz to hide tens of millions of pounds during their divorce: a judge agreed and awarded Young’s ex-wife £20m in 2013, but she had yet to receive a penny by the time Young died a year later.

London Bridge knife attack. Erik Prince interview, Abu Dhabi 2010

Today London saw another fake terror attack. Looking at the armed Police I say we are looking at Blackwater’s hired killers moving on the streets. When you consider the huge industry set forth on the back of all the wars since 2001, the largest of which was that pulled together by billionaire Erik Prince, he called it  Blackwater, and through his zionist claws they picked out the western nations finest warriors with a carrot of big pennies and all out action.

How the child and adult trafficking networks operate

Contrary to what the midwives tell you, the Vitamin K blood take at the birth of your child is for the data banks for child trafficking requirements. Children are ordered by bloodline and blood type. Those in particular demand will be targeted by Social Services down the line with a big help from the now corporate Academies and incorporated Primary Schools. This also operates through Council connected corporate child minding operations, who are paid cash to refer children to the Social Services network.