London Bridge knife attack. Erik Prince interview, Abu Dhabi 2010

London Bridge knife attack. Erik Prince interview, Abu Dhabi 2010

29 November 2019

Today’s event is day 333 with 33 days remaining until the year end.

There was a second London attack on 2 February 2020 which happens to be day 33 of the new year with 333 days to the end of the year, an event in which the public were massaged to accept plain clothed people shooting folks on the street, a very dangerous precedent indeed.[A]
We have a mirror of the November psy-op breaking down to 66, there will be a third.
The esoteric numerology shows how the mathematics inherited from ancient Babylon which is known as the Base-60 system – appears to tie together certain specific days in history, upon which events of great consequence appear to occur.
End of Update

I look at the armed Police in their big BMWs and cannot see anything other than military personnel in Police uniforms on the streets. Too bright eyed and full of fitness to be your average copper and many look like they have seen combat more than once.

When you consider the huge industry set forth on the back of all the wars since 2001, the largest of which was that pulled together by billionaire Erik Prince, a corporation he called Blackwater, did through his zionist claws pick out the western nations finest warriors with a carrot of big pennies and all out action.

I say the finest warriors but that is a lie, no fine warrior would forsake his nation to play Rambo for a foreign corporation who’s sole mandate was to expand it’s masters borders by de-populating the Middle East for Israel.

The real fine warriors were and are those who said screw that and in many cases were sent to their death or life changing injury in a promulgated roadside bomb. Either way our finest were and are still being removed from the nations fighting forces so they cannot oppose Blackwater and affiliated mercenaries as the banking dictatorship moves on the streets.

Today London saw another fake terror attack and once again looking at the armed Police, the idea that we are looking at Blackwater’s hired killers just keeps on expanding. Operation Sea Eagle[1] commenced on October 23rd 2019 and was a drill set in five European cities including London and Manchester with a total of 39 incidents planned. In the U.K they symbolised this drill with the fake 39 dead immigrants in the back of a lorry.

The actor Usman Khan, 28, was attending a Cambridge University and was known to authorities, having been convicted in 2012 for terrorism offences. He was released from prison in December 2018 on licence and clearly a key line of enquiry now is to establish how he came to carry out this attack.

London Bridge knife attack. Erik Prince interview, Abu Dhabi 2010

What the Police of today are not, is a Police Constable. They present themselves as Officers which is an admission to the Impersonation of a Constable, ergo they are a private military force on the land pretending to be a copper. That carries a five year jail sentence. Boris the Zionist Johnson promised 20.000 more private Police Officers on the streets as he sets to finalise the scripted game called Brexit in a Christmas rushed election to ensure, he, as the only idiot promising out, ensures the majority of Brits vote his unclean party into power for the coming war to be unleashed by Blackwater secured Zionist Donald Trump. After all Trump is to the Chabad Rabbis King Cyrus reborn…

Not forgetting Erik Prince’s sister, Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration and was very busy in 2017 ensuring the rise again of Erik of Zion to secure the network for Chabad Lubavitch to keep open the diplomatic bridge between the United States and Bolshevik Russia.

Russia has private military contractors (PMCs) in Syria.[2] They have been involved in very controversial events that would be viewed as very negative to the majority of people in the Middle East region, especially the Syrian people, if Russia’s PMCs got the attention they deserved. Dmitry Valeryevich Utkin is the commander of private military company, Wagner which as a private company also operates for Chabad.[3]

Blackwater is an American private military company founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince that was renamed as Xe Services in 2009, and is now known as Academi since 2011. In 2014, Academi merged with “Triple Canopy … along with other companies that were part of the Constellis Group package … all gathered under the Constellis Holdings, Inc .”[4]

The Oath Of A British Police Constable

London Bridge knife attack. Erik Prince interview, Abu Dhabi 2010

London’s fake terror attacks first named victim is Jack Merritt of Cambridge University? Could he be using this event to fake his death and go into MI6? No one from Trinity College, Cambridge, ever did that, did they? And he couldn’t be a peerage ponce, too, could he? Note that he is wearing earrings in both ears and is wearing three rings on his hands. And he doesn’t look like Matt Damon at all, does he? So he probably isn’t related to the Merritts/Merretts of the peerage, including the Merretts of Pondhead Farm, Surrey, relatives of the Stewart Baronets and the Conyngham Earls and the Douglases, Marquesses of Queensbury. We should also probably ignore the possible link to former Prime Minister Gordon Brown through these Douglases. Full Story

What the perpetrators had to say :

London Bridge knife attack. Erik Prince interview, Abu Dhabi 2010

We need to re-remember Erik Prince and his band of merry bounty hunters because I fear they are all over the streets of western nations, an agenda they plan to expand and expand.

The following is an interview with Erik Prince from 2010 :

Eric Prince @0

[A] Event on 2 February 2020, day 33, lots of 2,s and 3s with this hoax,, 02/02/2020 V Polo W JO6 BBX=22 in Pythagorean and 23=33 in Chaldean +BB=22 The Police car BX17 DWW=22 in Pythagorean and 23 in Chaldean + ww=33 ,,also the 33rd day of the year.

[1] Operation Sea Eagle results from the October 23-24th events on November 15, presented by the Mayor of London as he launches the “Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network” where @samverkan_sthlm is part of Sweden, London, Barcelona, ​​Paris, Rotterdam Manchester. CTPNS” The Swedish drill has gone live leaving thousands without electricity, it has been going on since October 23

Link :
Awoke from the dead :

Link :
How to Understand Law Enforcement in Great Britain


[3] Dmitry Valeryevich Utkin
Dmitry Valeryevich Utkin is the commander of private military company, Wagner. Previously he was a lieutenant colonel and brigade commander of a special forces (Spetsnaz GRU) unit (the 700th Independent Spetsnaz Detachment of the 2nd Independent Brigade) in Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).[2]

After retiring in 2013, Utkin began working for the private company Moran Security Group. The company performed security and training missions around the world, specialising in security against piracy. Utkin participated in counter-pirate operations in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia in an effort to provide secure passage for vessels transiting the area. This area is an important part of China’s Belt Road Initiative (BRI) as it is in between ports, moving important materials and resources to and from Africa for building infrastructure and providing arms.[2]

Senior Moran Security Group managers were involved in creating Slavonic Corps, whom Utkin carried out missions with in Syria. Wagner Group evolved out of this, and was founded by Utkin in 2014. It is worth noting that Moran and Slavonic Corps were registered in Hong Kong, where Wagner also has offices.[2][5]

In December 2016, Utkin was invited to a reception to celebrate Heroes of the Fatherland Day in the Georgievsk Hall of the Great Kremlin Palace, where he received the honour of becoming a Cavalier of the Order of Courage.[6]

Utkin became the CEO of Concord Management and Consulting LLC, which belongs to the Concord company group and is co-owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin.[6]

Prigozhin, or “Putin’s chef” as he is also known, is among the 13 Russian nationals indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for his connections to troll farms involved in an operation to assist U.S. President Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential election. According to the indictment , Mueller accuses troll farm company Internet Research Agency employees of “posing as U.S. persons and creating false U.S. personas, operating social media pages and groups designed to attract U.S. audiences.”[7]

Prigozhin’s Concord Management is directly involved with the administration of troll farm Internet Research Agency, according to documents published by hackers from Anonymous International.[8]

Understanding Krysha
The Putin-Prigozhin relation is great example of the “Krysha” concept. Krysha means roof and is a slang word for protection. In exchange for contracts with the Kremlin, oligarchs such as Prigozhin work on behalf of the Mafiya State.[9]


Further Study
Police patrols to ramp up in Manchester this weekend after London Bridge terror attack
How To Undo Secret Society, Political And Military Oaths Operating Fear Authority
Endgame In The West, Time For A Rebirth Of The Militias
MI5, Peel Park Primary School, 2009 Contingency Drill And Purves Ali
How The Child And Adult Trafficking Networks Operate
In Profile : Sir Peter Blaker KCMG MP
Terror Attack, Emergency Powers, Expand Emergency Powers, France Owned By The Banks
In Profile : NEC’s Connect Platform, The Future Of Law Enforcement
In Profile : G4s, Global Private Domestic Security