Encyclopedia of Wit and Wisdom, Henry Hupfeld 1877

Encyclopedia of Wit and Wisdom, Henry Hupfeld 1877

2 January 2024

A good laugh is sometimes of vital importance, and often exerts a wonderful and salutary influence on the human economy ; and it is a conceded physiological fact, that a hearty laugh, not un frequently by its vitalising power, quickens a sluggish circulation of the blood, and also by its stimulus gives renewed life and action to many of the organs of the body ; and arousing us sometimes from a torpid and sluggish condition, dissipates the mental depression and gloomy forebodings arising from physical disabilities in the organs, and a consequent interruption of their healthful functions.

The reader will find this work to be not only a magazine of amusing matter, a casket of intellectual jewels, and a cabinet of much valuable information, but a vast storehouse of religious precepts and wise counsel, many of which are in themselves short sermons, the embodiment and concentration of sacred truths. Being short and comprehensive, they are the easier impressed and retained in the mind of the reader, and should be treasured up in the heart and ineffaceably written upon the soul.


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