Euthanasia for Australians, killing off the old school as an option for the offspring

Considering that the Green Party in Victoria, Australia, are aiming to have the Law Reform Commission investigate legislation for voluntary euthanasia (April 2015) the following history of the LCP (Liverpool Care Pathway), is pertinent. The LCP (Liverpool Care Pathway) was implemented in the United Kingdom, purportedly to make the lives of those who were terminally ill more comfortable. However, reports in the main stream media with respect to the numbers who were put on this, without terminal illnesses, were worrying (to say the least), and described as horrifying in one Daily Mail

Clozapine : a deadly gatekeeper

Clozapine (sold as Clozaril, Gen-Clozapine in Canada, Azaleptin, Leponex, Fazaclo, Froidir; Denzapine, Zaponex in the UK; Klozapol in Poland, Clopine in Australia and New Zealand). How does this drug affect the Pineal Gland, and why would they want to mess with your sense of self?

NG 191-NG 163, Murder by Government Decree

1,642 people per day in England  are being euthanised in order the NHS Trusts get money, your money to the tune of £161 billion per year from the National Insurance contribution alone. They have hidden the protocol NG 191 within a new protocol NG 163 to serve the Cygnus programme unleashed in 2016 to deal with pandemic. From the legal standpoint the state is moving to have the named nurses liable as the administrators of the medical procedure.

War, Lithium and the Clean Energy Reset

Lithium became the root of the cold war situation in having both the Soviet Union and the United States of America in the race to procure the most devastating nuclear weapons. From 1947 until 1989 this arms race would see the United States create some 40.000 warheads while the Soviet Union produced 32.000, and as we understand today, many of these tests some 1747 in all, on both sides, left a serious Ague in all areas they were tested.

Who dictates the NHS?

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) is a branch of the Committee of 300 based in Adelphi House moving all things NHS for a very long time. Privatisation anyone? (NICE) is an agency of the National Health Service charged with promoting clinical excellence in NHS service providers in England and Wales, by developing guidance and recommendations on the effectiveness of treatments and medical procedures.

Epstein, Clinton Foundation, ARK, Absolute Return for Kids, Adam and Eve and Noah

On the back of the fantasy pandemic we can see the script writers moving the entire show into the hands of the well established HIV/AIDS machine.  It is also the case that as they end restrictions, they are moving to shift the fear raised from the cauldron under pandemic, onto Russia. Fear is a tangible and manipulatable energy, as such it is imperative you realise that control by fear is the key in understanding what the hell is going on.

Patent Proves Vaccine is an Obedience Training Platform

The end game of the pandemic is to have you connected to an electronic control grid via a portion of the contents of the Covid vaccine. The grid is set to become the method from which your entire day to day actions become a file that the A.I. will determine how well you act in accordance with any given form of laws at any given time. What this boils down too is an obedience system fully controlled by A.I. and administered via government agencies. Dependant upon what information is held in the database, which is changeable dependant on your behaviours at any given time, will be the ruling factor and thus  determine what strength of noxious vaccine content you are to receive as a booster, based entirely upon your behaviour as collected through the apps they insist you download.