Schismogenesis and its Application in Society

The intention of this report is to bring to your attention the term Schismogenesis, its mechanic and how the elect apply it as a weaponised instrument to control the populations. As a thing, we must defer back to an old definition of the same application and what we know as the Hegelian Dialectic, the birthing of division as a method of control and ultimately to get the desired result by playing two sides off against each other.

In Profile : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology abbreviated MIT, in our opinion, is the move into America of the pseudo science platform coming out of the Royal Society, which presents John Dee, Francis Bacon and on through Isaac Newton, as the blueprint from which the title ,The New Atlantis, would be achieved and thrust upon the American landmass. If you want to fully understand the battle in financial terms between the House Rothschild and the English American, then the forced implementation of the Federal Reserve is but a part of the overall agenda as the Temple Crown made its new home in America and called itself The United States of America.

Is Tommy Robinson a victim of the secret courts? No…

Tommy Robinson arrested, imprisoned not befitting common law nor English Common Law, what happened to Stephen Lennon, is a crime itself. What has happened to Robinson is of a new tier of law being implemented across the corporate courts and is part of the Justice and Security Bill which was first published as a Justice and Security Green Paper on 3 October 2011, they said, to provide oversight of the Security Service (MI6), the Secret Intelligence Service (MI5), and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) on intelligence or security matters.

Why Free Speech is Important, Especially the Negative Bits

Why free speech is important to a successful society. Political Correctness is censorship and prevents the deceptions being unmasked. Unpopular people of history must never be censored or hidden, because more often than not they have the situations right. What this means is that for a society to fulfil itself, it must also ensure everyone has a right to free speech, because by listening to all ideas…we learn.

Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee

The weapons system being built all around us is one not yet seen by the public. It is real and deadly, steered by the Bilderberg meetings. Two documents reveal the immensity of the unknown war, one titled, Silent Weapons for Quite Wars, May 1979, and a second presented only two months before 911 titled, NASA document The Future of War, July 2001. Open yourself up to this merry tale and you can see it all around you.

In Profile : Sir Paul Gordon Fildes, expert in biological warfare

Airborne biological attack and the third dimension to the three pronged assault against the western populations. The following history would be classed as a biological attack through chemicals in the food chain and as an airborne mechanic to affect the very air we breath seen today in the geoengineering agenda, also known as chemtrails. The three main players are an English mad-man, an American mad-man and a seriously twisted man from Japan.

Cancer epidemic due to the introduction of viruses through vaccinations, SV-40 on trial

The Western Biological attack came in twin form, the 1950s counterculture to hide the 1940s polio vaccine attack. Frankenstein reigns supreme. The following chronology of events in relation to the mass launch of a biological weapon upon the western masses, via the Polio vaccine containing live viruses, was such a major event they had to have a script to take the attention off the mad scientists. The 1950s counterculture would be the other side of this agenda leading to the launch of psychedelic mushroom and LSD is the twin operation to the biological attack upon the white Europeans in all continents.

Why you must keep out of the realm of mental health, calls for euthanasia for the mentally ill

So what is the next level agenda when it comes to the corporate state dissecting your life to determine the best way they can satisfy the climate change legislation whilst making the largest amount of profit on your dilemma, a dilemma brought to your door by the same kind of people that told you to go for the mentally ill label? There following information should help you see where your life is going if you have fallen for the easy route of existence, with the corporate state as your overlord. Hastings Center fellow Bonnie Steinbock, suggests assisted death for psychiatric cases is the logical consequence of current euthanasia legislation

The Lilly Wave and psychotronic warfare

The Lilly Wave was invented by John C Lily and is, in most cases, is completely misunderstood as to its usage to affect the thoughts and behaviour of humans. It described as a bi-phasic electric pulse which stimulates the neurons of the brain to resonate at a certain frequency, thus the Lilly wave has the ability to control the brainwave patterns of the brain. There is however a far more advanced form and a largely unknown and suppressed purpose in the use of the Lilly Wave. The water molecules within the brain can be made to resonate at a desired frequency thus causing the electrons that comprise the brains electrical voltages to also resonate at the same frequency.