Category: Judaism

Principalities and Powers in Heavenly Places, Charlotte Elizabeth (1842)

I have great pleasure in complying with a request to prefix a few introductory words to this work. I think it scriptural, seasonable, and practical. No part of divine truth can be neglected without spiritual loss, and it is too evident that the deep and mysterious doctrine of Revelation respecting evil spirits and good angels, has been far too much disregarded in our age. This has arisen —on the one hand from the wide spread of infidel principles, and on the other from the unscriptural, idolatrous, extravagant attention paid to this subject in the Church of Rome, in which the good angels are worshipped, and the evil spirits brought forward to foster delusions. 

Mystery: Babylon the Great,’ Pagan, Papal, Semi Papal, C Cowan M.D (1886)

The principal Text Book, which has been closely followed, and most unsparingly used, is “The Two BABYLONS,” by the Rev. Alexander Hislop, (Edin., 3rd Edit., 1862). It is a work of profound research, able scholarship, and most sagacious induction. Protestants are deeply indebted to the learned author for his clear and masterly identification of a past with a present apostasy. We have derived much valuable assistance from Mr. George Smith’s admirable volumes, entitled “THE PATRIARCHAL AGE,” and the “GENTILE NATIONS.” Like the preceding, they teem with evidences of the wonderful accuracy and truth of the “Written Word.”

Epstein, Clinton Foundation, ARK, Absolute Return for Kids, Adam and Eve and Noah

On the back of the fantasy pandemic we can see the script writers moving the entire show into the hands of the well established HIV/AIDS machine.  It is also the case that as they end restrictions, they are moving to shift the fear raised from the cauldron under pandemic, onto Russia. Fear is a tangible and manipulatable energy, as such it is imperative you realise that control by fear is the key in understanding what the hell is going on.

Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus, Robert Aleksander Maryks

I have long presented my thoughts that as with the formation of the Knights Templar by aristocratic Jews, the same mechanic was initiated in the formation of the Jesuits. That the latter is but an expression of the former for exactly the same aim. The following book draws your attention to the very well known battle within the Company of Jesus between the Christian bloodlines and those they called the hidden Jews, or Converso.

The Nameless War, Captain Achibald. H. Maule Ramsay

The Nameless War reveals an unsuspected link between all the major revolutions in Europe – from King Charles I’s time to the abortive attempt against Spain in 1936. Arrested under Regulation 18b Captain Ramsay on the 23rd May, 1940, he was detained, without charge or trial, in a cell in Brixton Prison until the 26th September, 1944. On the following morning he resumed his seat in the House of Commons and remained there until the end of that Parliament in 1945.

Australia’s 6th Jerusalem prize goes to Scott Morrison

The Jerusalem Prize was jointly awarded by the Zionist Federation of Australia, the Zionist Council of NSW and the World Zionist Organisation. “Since assuming office, the Prime Minister recognised West Jerusalem as capital of Israel and established a trade and defence office in the city. He also changed Australia’s voting pattern at the UN General Assembly, including now voting against the insulting resolution that declares as ‘null and void’ any Jewish claims to Jerusalem.”

The 2030 deception, whats really going on?

Agenda 21 has changed to Agenda 2030 which can only mean they are behind schedule by nine years. Or, is that what we are supposed to believe because its a strategy to keep the truth seekers off the real timeline and the ultimate objective? Numbers folks, or more specifically numerology and cycles…what see ye, well… there is a Biblical cycle of 490 years or 70×7=490. Did you know that?