Club of Rome : Planetary Emergency Plan. Another New Deal

1933 – Hitler entered power on a new deal in Germany. In the United States Roosevelt pulled in his new deal also. Do I need to explain further? 1997 enter Gordon Brown and Tony Blair again with a new deal for you the public. Well they have been very busy at it again with another New deal coming out of the Club of Rome in partnership with The Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research.

Epstein, Clinton Foundation, ARK, Absolute Return for Kids, Adam and Eve and Noah

On the back of the fantasy pandemic we can see the script writers moving the entire show into the hands of the well established HIV/AIDS machine.  It is also the case that as they end restrictions, they are moving to shift the fear raised from the cauldron under pandemic, onto Russia. Fear is a tangible and manipulatable energy, as such it is imperative you realise that control by fear is the key in understanding what the hell is going on.

Schismogenesis and its Application in Society

The intention of this report is to bring to your attention the term Schismogenesis, its mechanic and how the elect apply it as a weaponised instrument to control the populations. As a thing, we must defer back to an old definition of the same application and what we know as the Hegelian Dialectic, the birthing of division as a method of control and ultimately to get the desired result by playing two sides off against each other.

Origins of the South Australian Colony, the Evangelicals and Froebel

South Australia’s original diversity in religious beliefs was the key factor to South Australia’s Label ‘Paradise of Dissent’. When South Australia was first settled in the 1830s, one of the largest factors that attracted immigrants was the absence of a State Church. Immigrants could migrate to South Australia, without having a particular religious body to influence government and their own daily lives. The Church had been a huge factor in England, and other major nations around the globe for past centuries.

Lee Smolin and Jeffrey Epstein

Lee Smolin, Friend of Jeffery Epstein and another Harvard subversive pushing the pandemic pseudo science, received a Phd in theoretical physics back in 1979, is big on vaccinating everyone in the world using bluetooth and all things tech to ensure this program is fulfilled.”…