In Profile : Vatican II, the Templar secret societies and the one world religion

If you take an interest as to who the Knights Templar really are, what they represent and how to see them in the present, read this report. Vatican II through all its sophistry is the shift required to bring the three main monotheistic religions under the control of the secret society combine, the secret societies are not Monotheistic they are Polytheistic. This includes Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, the Jesuits, Theosophy, Zionism, Satanism, Hinduism and Buddhism, et al.

In Profile : Rome to Templars to Freemasonry, we face the same enemy

With much play on the idea Freemasonry and the Knights Templar are one and the same entity, holding the same beliefs and the same morality as did those wholesome societies of antiquity, does this suggestion of morality play out in real time historical fact, and, if so, what happened to such a strong upstanding morality and why is it vacant in today’s world of finance given the entire order of Freemasonry together with the Jesuit Order stand charged as the protector of the corporate takeover?

Mithra, the Hidden Source of the Game

25 January 2024 Golden Rule of Zoroastrianism :“Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.” Hillel the Babylonian when asked to define the Torah, said :“Do unto others as you would have done to yourself, the rest is a commentary. Zoroastrianism, is also known as Mazdayasna and Behdin. Mithraism, as the ultimate foundation Read More …

Moving assets to the Vatican bank, What it means

Pope’s admission of genocide demands all assets move to the Vatican bank to secure the debt to China levied against the western nations and person. Under the terms of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should it be known that genocide has occurred, then those responsible, either as individuals or as officers of the institution or corporation must be prosecuted and punished. Another act that can be brought against the perpetrator is to seize all assets under the “avails of crime’ statutes.

Journey into the etymology of words

In these videos we have explored the idea that the Phoenician’s, whomever they are, ran the world from the empire on the seas. We have also explored the idea that the tribe of Judah was first taken by the philistines (Phoenicians) to exact their agenda in the Levant. With that in mind let us explore the etymology or origin of words and also the phonetics which offers up the audible means for transferring the words by sound. Example, C – Sea – See. We must also grasp the importance of how words can be split to offer up a hidden meaning or element within a word.

Double Headed Eagle

From whence came this two-headed eagle, and how came it to be associated with Scottish Rite Masonry? The last part of this question is easier to answer than the first, for there is direct testimony that Frederick of Prussia supplied this crest during the formative stages of the Rite, but neither Frederick nor indeed Prussia could claim the exclusive right the use or to bestow it. It is the imperial emblem of Russia, Austria, Serbia and other portions of the disrupted Holy Roman Empire, and Prussia adopted the emblem long after it had flown over Byzantium as the royal arms of the “Emperors of the East and West.” Why?…Well, quite simply the Prussian’s are Byzantium.

Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus, Robert Aleksander Maryks

I have long presented my thoughts that as with the formation of the Knights Templar by aristocratic Jews, the same mechanic was initiated in the formation of the Jesuits. That the latter is but an expression of the former for exactly the same aim. The following book draws your attention to the very well known battle within the Company of Jesus between the Christian bloodlines and those they called the hidden Jews, or Converso.

Footprints of the Jesuits, R.W Thompson 1894

What is the blueprint for population division and ultimately reduction?
Many claim it to be a Jewish birthed agenda, and when you look into the Zohar and Talmud, it would indeed appear to be the case. The fact most that identify as Jewish today are of the Khazar race, and, that these peoples where taken over by the Prussian bloodlines through Catherine the Great at the same time she enveloped the disgraced Jesuits, while at the same time Napoleon ransacked Europe of her Christian monarchies and subdued the Knights of Malta to the Jesuit command… We can see how the Khazar’s and indeed the Jesuits are but a front what is best described as the hidden royal dynasties who trace back their linage to Persia and beyond that to Egypt.

Did the Jesuits Write Shakespeare, Harold Johnson, 1916

Henry VIII invited the Jesuits into England, they were given the Northern powerhouse that is Stoneyhurst College. By 1607, the Jesuits had a powerful hand within England, next stop Civil War through the Scottish Rite, another Jesuit fraternity. The Tudors where installed over the English by the House Stanley, financed by the House Pallavacini, under the command of the House Farnese, the same House that started the Etruscan and then Roman states, are also responsible for the commissioning of the Jesuits.