Chronology of the HIV-Aids catastrophe

Is HIV-Aids a rare form of Leukaemia from prescribed medication? The original expert specialists assigned to deal with the outbreak say it is. HIV was officially ‘discovered’ in 1983. Those expert in the data relating to virus’s and the human body have made astonishing discoveries that have lead them to understand that HIV was and is, a pure Laboratory creation, and not as is claimed, the discovery of an already existing virus.

In Profile : The John Adam Street Gang

We have witnessed the removal of our industry, the strangulation of our farming and fishing abilities and through the myriad of shell companies, have formed a channel of financial theft to the offshore accounts. To remove the entire wealth of this nation into the hands of the United Nations which acts as a front, a proxy for the old money families still today running the Roman Empire. As we are speaking of old money, we are not speaking of a Rothschild empire alone, we are moving behind that veil to expose the network head on these Isles that is sailing ship with the wealth of Great Britain into the hands of the Illumined such as the Aldobrandini, the Farnese, the Orsini, the Somaglia, and Breakspear.

Syria, Paris attack, David Cameron and the move to martial law

Not satisfied with the 2013 no vote in Parliament when the then coalition government motion was defeated by 285-272, ruling out joining US-led strikes, NATO is determined to produce from the cauldron enough fear to force a second vote.
After the Paris false flag operation there have been many sorties carried out against Syrian civilians by the French, while the western media promotes the fantasy that French forces are attacking IS. Meanwhile Russia is indeed destroying the infrastructure of IS with over 400 sorties carried out in the last 48 hours.

In Profile : The Optimum Population Trust

Here OPT has relaunched a Stop at Two children campaign that first surfaced three decades ago, when world population was two billion less than today’s 6.8 billion and the first reliable contraceptives started to become widely available. How much easier it would be to solve today’s climate change problems had population stabilisation policies been effected then.

In profile : The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan and the genocide of the peoples of Europe

Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.

United Utilities cryptosporidium, secrecy, androgens and a resigned MP

United Utilities are rightfully coming under fire for allowing a parasite into the water system effecting a large area of East Lancashire. Cryptosporidium is a parasite that effects thee epithelial cells of the human gastrointestinal tract and other tissue such as the respiratory tract. Confusion is the name of the game in East Lancashire after United Utilities said those living in Blackpool, Chorley, Fylde, Preston, South Ribble and Fylde all needed to boil their water before using it.

WHO Memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing

WHO memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing. Two key memorandums from WHO, discovered by Patrick Jordan, prove WHO has intentionally created the three-shot killer vaccine which under pandemic rules they will attempt to forced people to take.
1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No 2 Memoranda #1 and #2 Virus-associated immunopathology :
Animal models and implications for human disease * technically outline the ability to create biological weapons in the form of vaccines that :
1) First totally disable the Immune System.
2) Load every cell of the Victim’s body up with Infection.
3) Switch the Immune System on causing the host to kill themselves in a Cytokine Storm.
One, Two, Three, Dead.

Electronic cigarette, photon tank kits, pharmaceutical weapon?

Last year I stopped at a stall selling the VIP electronic cigarette or as they call it a Photon Tank Kit, and asked what chemicals were involved. He said it was medical nicotine which prompted a reply and a second question from me asking what chemistry made up the medical nicotine, he thought for a second and replied I don’t know. A friend purchased one of the VIP gizmos for 40 quid a couple of days ago, he called today explaining he was not trusting of the liquid inhaled as a gas, that he could feel it sticking to his lungs. He then said he was also shocked at the warnings that come with the instructions, specific to the liquid medical nicotine. Heres why

In Profile : Sir Peter Blaker KCMG MP

Rt. Hon Sir Peter Blaker KCMG MP was admitted to the Foreign Service in 1953, stationed at the embassy in Phnom Penh (1955-57) and at the UK High Commission in Ottawa 1957-60. At the Foreign Office from 1960-62 he was Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Foreign affairs from 1962-64 which led to the signing of the test ban treaty in Moscow in 1963. He became an MP for Blackpool south 1964-92, an opposition whip (1967-67) and PPS to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1970-72), moving to Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Army) at the MOD from 1972-74 and a minister of state at the FCO 1979-81 and for the Armed Forces 1981-83a member of the executive committee of the British-American Parly group (1975-79) and chairman of the board of the Royal Ordinance factories (1972-74); a member of the Council of Chatham House (1977-79); the Council for Arms Control ( 1983-); a member of the Freedom Association; Vice Chairman of Peace through NATO; vice-president of the Conservative Foreign and Commonwealth Council (1983-); a member of the council of the GB USSR association (1974-92); a Governor of the Atlantic Institute 1978-79; Chairman McLean Hunter Cablevision Ltd 1989-; Integrated Asset Management; Central Lancashire Television; World Trading & Shipping Ltd.