The Anti-Christ, Dr George W. Carey 1918

Exploring the idea that Constantine and the Council of Nicaea usurped the knowledge brought from the story of Jesus, kept by the Essenes, in order the priesthood of Babylon could fix Man as the monster of PERSON, for which Rome and its priesthood of Babylon laid out the world they control in order to close the gate back to earth.

Moving assets to the Vatican bank, What it means

Pope’s admission of genocide demands all assets move to the Vatican bank to secure the debt to China levied against the western nations and person. Under the terms of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should it be known that genocide has occurred, then those responsible, either as individuals or as officers of the institution or corporation must be prosecuted and punished. Another act that can be brought against the perpetrator is to seize all assets under the “avails of crime’ statutes.

Journey into the etymology of words

In these videos we have explored the idea that the Phoenician’s, whomever they are, ran the world from the empire on the seas. We have also explored the idea that the tribe of Judah was first taken by the philistines (Phoenicians) to exact their agenda in the Levant. With that in mind let us explore the etymology or origin of words and also the phonetics which offers up the audible means for transferring the words by sound. Example, C – Sea – See. We must also grasp the importance of how words can be split to offer up a hidden meaning or element within a word.

In Profile : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology abbreviated MIT, in our opinion, is the move into America of the pseudo science platform coming out of the Royal Society, which presents John Dee, Francis Bacon and on through Isaac Newton, as the blueprint from which the title ,The New Atlantis, would be achieved and thrust upon the American landmass. If you want to fully understand the battle in financial terms between the House Rothschild and the English American, then the forced implementation of the Federal Reserve is but a part of the overall agenda as the Temple Crown made its new home in America and called itself The United States of America.