Winston Churchill : Zionism verses Bolshevism 1920

Churchill and the Bolsheviks, two sides of the womb called the Sabbatean Frankish Israel, to birth the equally unclean Templar Jerusalem. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the illegitimate child of Edward VII, was an ardent Zionist with  the role of berating Bolshevism to form the fantasy of division within the Jewish Messianic cult so they could offer up their speciality of opposing sides they control allowing a theology for the Bolshevik, Karl Marx and his action, and the theology for the political division in which God said subversion and ordered his faithful to birth Zionism.

The 5G Zion manipulation platform and how it works

The royal and noble bloodlines have engineered an artificial matrix in the lower atmosphere used for mind control. They call this artificial matrix Zion. The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society and this group includes priests, rabbis, imams and occultists. It is done on both a mass level through HAARP and radio telescopes and also individually through electronic smart devices and their wireless frequencies. The royal and noble families uses priests, rabbis, and imams to develop the algorithms and programs used for mind control. Freemasons are involved. They outsource individual targeting to occultists and hackers like Anonymous which operate through the dark web.

Satanic Alpha runs theology, Gods new bankers are Zionists

What you need to know about the Academies and the City. God’s new bankers are Evangelicals. Over the past decade, a specific type of evangelical Christianity has taken hold of the Square Mile, although only recently has it dared speak its name (at least in City circles). Foremost among them is the Alpha course, whose extraordinary expansion has been funded in part from the deep pockets of former Lazard chairman Ken Costa

In Profile : The Zionist-Non-Zionist Issue

From the book; An Ambiguous Partnership, Non Zionists and Zionists in America, 1939-1948, by Menahem Kaufman 1991,[1] we find that Kaufman presents the fact, contact had been made between both camps, that the Balfour Declaration had as its secondary aim, to force the Zionist and non Zionist camps to better define their relationship in order their claims could be understood by all in the wider world, specifically regions with large Jewish communities.

Mithra, the Hidden Source of the Game

25 January 2024 Golden Rule of Zoroastrianism :“Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.” Hillel the Babylonian when asked to define the Torah, said :“Do unto others as you would have done to yourself, the rest is a commentary. Zoroastrianism, is also known as Mazdayasna and Behdin. Mithraism, as the ultimate foundation Read More …

The Anti-Christ, Dr George W. Carey 1918

Exploring the idea that Constantine and the Council of Nicaea usurped the knowledge brought from the story of Jesus, kept by the Essenes, in order the priesthood of Babylon could fix Man as the monster of PERSON, for which Rome and its priesthood of Babylon laid out the world they control in order to close the gate back to earth.