In Profile : Vatican II, the Templar secret societies and the one world religion

If you take an interest as to who the Knights Templar really are, what they represent and how to see them in the present, read this report. Vatican II through all its sophistry is the shift required to bring the three main monotheistic religions under the control of the secret society combine, the secret societies are not Monotheistic they are Polytheistic. This includes Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, the Jesuits, Theosophy, Zionism, Satanism, Hinduism and Buddhism, et al.

UNESCO preparing the ground for the one world religion

UNESCO and its body of 58 board members have decreed through a UN resolution, to reject the existence of a building proclaimed a wonder of the ancient world, because of its extraordinary opulence. This fits in well with the global communist dictatorship being pushed by the UN, which aims to remove all ideas of land ownership and property unless you are of the unclean brethren, and because of its religious connotations has to be seen as a move to re-write history to serve up the new truth as decreed by the unclean and their favoured doctrines of the day, Radical Islam and Zionism.

33rd general congregation launched multiculturalism and the new religion of climate change

The battle for the Vatican between Popes and the Jesuits, the real reason for the 33rd General Congregation of the Society of Jesus.Firstly, the 33rd General Congregation of the Society of Jesus removed the two year Vatican supervision of the order set up by Pope John Paul II, and a return to “normal government,” thus removing the rule by special papal delegate. The Jesuits were free again of the Pope and all Vatican interference. Second, The Jesuits moved to attempt a major paradigm-shift claiming an end of the Counter-Reformation drive and even declared as “the new Pentecost,” it turned the church in a new direction, the direction of the Jesuits and back to Vatican II.

The religious and political blueprint for WWII, is Isil the new religion?

Has the banking cartel chosen the Saudi version of Suni Islam, also known as Wahhabism, to be the control program for the one world religion?
Has the banking cartel positioned Suni Islam as the agitator for the activation of the Contingency Act?
I believe both are running operations, the latter is to prevent the former being stopped in its tracks, especially if the older generation Muslims in Europe begin to see the game, at least they cash shift to the civil unrest declaration and activate the emergency scripts as set by the United Nations.

Mithra, the Hidden Source of the Game

25 January 2024 Golden Rule of Zoroastrianism :“Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.” Hillel the Babylonian when asked to define the Torah, said :“Do unto others as you would have done to yourself, the rest is a commentary. Zoroastrianism, is also known as Mazdayasna and Behdin. Mithraism, as the ultimate foundation Read More …

The Origins of Christmas

The celebration of birth days originated in Egypt and was also a big thing with Herod. It was 300 years after Christ before the Roman church kept Christmas, and not until the fifth century that it was mandated by Justinian to be kept throughout the empire as an official festival honouring “Christ.”