Nothing is as it appears in the Middle East, 2000 ISIS fighters released into Iraq by Turkey facilitated by Trump, what is really going on? The Middle East is about to blow up again. That much is clear. And as is always the case the real core of this battle is to secure the oil and gas pipelines coveted by Russia, China, Europe and the United States. At the centre of this web sits Israel which is moving to become the centre of all Commerce through its pivotal role as the centre of all global Commerce between Europe, Asia and Africa. No matter who gains the resources, Israel will take it’s commanding financial cut in all the deals that will come out of the control of oil and gas, opium and weapons and yet what is clear in this game of war and refugee, is the fact Israel has chosen China as the new global power by definition of its will to ensure the West cannot support a new World War, and yet, believe it can until its is too late to stop it.
Category: Syria
Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
Shifting NATO’s mandate to destroy Islam globally and enforce the communist ideal
Article 5 NATO can be invoked by any member nation against that which undermines sovereignty. This includes invoking NATO against the E.U. Russia under command of Israel is moving to have NATO disbanded inline with the aim to demolish the United Nations so Israel can form its own world governing body that will be controlled out of Israel under the third temple fantasy.
Israel as Russia’s back door into the west
Nostradamus Predictions About the Rise of An Islamic Empire
All this talk about empire and caliphate, what has history said about these times that we may all settle down and cease the judgment?
Out of the country of Greater Arabia
Shall be born a strong master of Mohammedan law.
He shall vex Spain and conquer Grenada.
And by sea shall come to the Italian nation. (C5:Q55)
Salman Abedi, the Manchester Suicide Attack, the facts
Salman Abedi and his father Ramadan are no strangers to Islamic terrorist groups and actions, both are known to intelligence agencies. With the destruction of the Libyan regime by NATO Ramadan Abedi joined the Al Umma party lead by Sami al Saddi, one of the LIFG’s highest commanders, and again through his connection with Belhaj would become close to the Grand Mufti himself, and highest spiritual authority for the hardcore Islamist drive to build the caliphate, Sadeq al Ghariani.
Idlib Syria, a new idea of Islam is being born, Dar al-Harb
Media Blackout on new extreme radical Islamic centre for Jihadist’s of all persuasions, overseen by a British mercenary in Idlib in Syria. Through Qatar is being structured in Idlib, a sort of Al Quada civil system based in the logic of the Taliban, and overseen by British mercenary James le Mesurier, operated through a Washington company with the aid arriving through Turkey. Some journalists are becoming alarmed at what looks like a re-grouping under a new and even more fanatical expression of Islam in rebel held territories, especially in Idlib, suggesting this new creed could spread across the entire Sunni Islamic secret society networks, filtering down into western Muslim communities. This would be the catalyst to move Muslims from the passive Jihad to that of the House of War.
The real game in Syria
Is there a much bigger agenda when it comes to the destruction of Syria? The supposed chemical attack in Syria happened days after the Trump administration reversed its demand for regime change and as leaders moved to meet in Brussels to discuss the rebuilding of Syria, one could say the European meet was initiated as a direct result of the chaos rampaging through Europe from Islamic radicals making up a large portion of refugees, including mass rapes riot and looting. Clearly stopping this meeting benefited a lot of interconnecting agendas.
Who used chemical weapons in Syria?
Western media continues to play the propaganda script of NATO laying at the feet of the Assad regime the latest chemical weapons use in Syria. The Syrian Air Force has targeted a chemical weapons depot belonging to western trained terrorists operating illegally in Syria. The terrorist stockpile of chemical weapons at Khan Sheikhoun were often shipped to fellow terrorists operating in Iraq. This has been confirmed by the Iraqi government.
Water shut off to Syria, Erdogan, McCain, and today a meeting with Putin
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin held a meeting today with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Moscow. Russian President noted that the Russian-Turkish relations are restoring rather quickly. Not a word in the mainstream media of the February games after U.S. Senator John McCain visited Erdogan on a secret mission from which Syria faced the shut off of parts of its water supply, in direct breech of international law.