Winston Churchill : Zionism verses Bolshevism 1920

Churchill and the Bolsheviks, two sides of the womb called the Sabbatean Frankish Israel, to birth the equally unclean Templar Jerusalem. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the illegitimate child of Edward VII, was an ardent Zionist with  the role of berating Bolshevism to form the fantasy of division within the Jewish Messianic cult so they could offer up their speciality of opposing sides they control allowing a theology for the Bolshevik, Karl Marx and his action, and the theology for the political division in which God said subversion and ordered his faithful to birth Zionism.

Your Prime Minister Boris Johnson out of Europe into Israel

Brexit maybe but what really controls this Conservative government? Like Cameron before him Johnson has sinister friends meet donor Poju Zabludowicz. Zabludowicz’s co-investor in this scheme – controversial businessman Scot Young – was found impaled on the railings outside his London flat in 2014. An inquest on Young’s death found insufficient evidence of suicide, and his family suspected he had been murdered. Young’s ex-wife believed that he had used supposed losses on his business project with Zabludowicz to hide tens of millions of pounds during their divorce: a judge agreed and awarded Young’s ex-wife £20m in 2013, but she had yet to receive a penny by the time Young died a year later.

King Edward VII and his court

Possibly the most evil monarch ever to sit on the throne of England just happens to be a Rothschild sired puppet who took the tile of Edward VII. He was one of the main facilitators for the slaughter of the white race in what is known as World War One. Responsible for the change of mandate for Freemasonry shifting from the upkeep of the Church of England and the British realm to a position of full and complete subservience, at Aristocratic level, for the coming fantasy of a new Israel built from a fake and invented idea of the Third Temple.

Historical fact shows that Judaism is an inversion of the Hebrew tradition

Judaism developed long after the Israelites had merged themselves with mankind, and that the true relationship of the two peoples is best expressed in the phrase, “The Israelites were not Jews.” Encyclopedia Brittanica.The Chief Rabbi of the British Empire in 1918, the Very Rev. J.H. Hertz, in answer to an enquiry on this point said explicitly, “The people known at present as Jews are descendants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin with a certain number of descendants of the tribe of Levi.”

Trump, King Cyrus, the third temple and the mass movement of people

At the Royal Arch level of York Rite Freemasonry the oath is taken to Israel, not the Church of England, modern Masonry is an arm of the Talmud. “For the good of Masonry, generally, but for the Jewish nation in particular.
Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry” — quoted from Craig Heimbichner’s book Blood on the Altar, page 83. Pictured on the page is the Masonic Jewel, Royal Arch, 7th Degree rite in which York Rite Freemasons pledge allegiance to the Jewish nation. The Masonic jewell of this rite is Solomon’s Seal with a sun blazing inside a triangle in the centre.