Creating the Gladiator theatre in your community, not policing the realm usurps the realm. If the orders are treason, your duty is to not follow? In November 2018 the entire British raft of Police Constabularies, I say that loosely as it becomes clear by the day, they are corporate entities serving the corporate network…did take up the American Intelligence IT platform they call Connect.
Category: Internet
4G wi-fi at 2.45GHz damages fertility, 5G at between 30-300GHz will do what?
Millimetre waves (MMWs) correspond to the range of 30 – 300 GHz of the electromagnetic spectrum and are currently used for a variety of military and civilian applications. The coming 5G communications network will be a millimetre wave platform and as it is being rolled out in parts of the United States, the 5G is operating at between 28 GHz and 39 GHz. The hike in power for the wifi systems from 4G to 5G is massive. 4G affects fertility and sleep to the negative, we need to know the risks.
Cloud Based Internet system is backdoored by Israel
lifeinthemix twitter account permanently suspended
Two mins after publishing my Oliver Cromwell report on twitter, a report that explains the wedding of Harry and Markle, Twitter kill account. Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating Twitter’s Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against hateful conduct.
The 5G Zion manipulation platform and how it works
The royal and noble bloodlines have engineered an artificial matrix in the lower atmosphere used for mind control. They call this artificial matrix Zion. The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society and this group includes priests, rabbis, imams and occultists. It is done on both a mass level through HAARP and radio telescopes and also individually through electronic smart devices and their wireless frequencies. The royal and noble families uses priests, rabbis, and imams to develop the algorithms and programs used for mind control. Freemasons are involved. They outsource individual targeting to occultists and hackers like Anonymous which operate through the dark web.
Universal supernatural manifestations via electronics
Are the elites about to play a Hollywood epic in the skies? In order they can force the world together under a new alien religious doctrine. This is to be achieved in a series of steps
One is to make mankind believe that an alien (off-world) invasion is about to occur
The second is to make the Christians believe that the Rapture is going to occur
The third orientation in the fourth step is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces
Why Free Speech is Important, Especially the Negative Bits
Why free speech is important to a successful society. Political Correctness is censorship and prevents the deceptions being unmasked. Unpopular people of history must never be censored or hidden, because more often than not they have the situations right. What this means is that for a society to fulfil itself, it must also ensure everyone has a right to free speech, because by listening to all ideas…we learn.
What you need to know about your electronic data
Who owns your personal data? The personal data that is being collected by internet companies has turned into a goldmine, but not for you. Personal data is being collected constantly. Smartphones send your location data, internet browsers store which websites you visited and credit card companies carefully register you’re buying patterns.
Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee
The weapons system being built all around us is one not yet seen by the public. It is real and deadly, steered by the Bilderberg meetings. Two documents reveal the immensity of the unknown war, one titled, Silent Weapons for Quite Wars, May 1979, and a second presented only two months before 911 titled, NASA document The Future of War, July 2001. Open yourself up to this merry tale and you can see it all around you.
How to Turn a Country into a Concentration Camp : Internally Displaced Persons
The Burning Man festival in Nevada on the face of it is just some kind of mass rave with anything goes. Well, if I said it was a supreme counterculture mind control op, and, a test ground for the global military complex to test the script to shift the entire globe into a concentration camp, monitored and managed via the high tech satellite and computer networks, I would think you might claim this a little far out? Even though we are speaking of the same intelligence networks behind the counter -culture through use of psychedelic drugs going way back to the early 20th century?