Ancient of Days : Debunking the aliens, solar powered water maker

Ancient of Days : Debunking the aliens, solar powered water maker
The Ancient of Days

15 April 2017

As a worldwide water crisis looms, engineers have invented a solar-powered harvester that can pull water out of thin air—even in dry, desert environments. Any scholar would immediately recognise an older tale of such a device coming from the occult Kabbalah, called the Ancient of Days and has been the source of fantasies about aliens and space crafts from history.

In the 1978 book by George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, The Manna Machine, is a based upon a translation of the section of the Zohar a called “The Ancient of Days” that concludes that a machine had created algae as food for human beings in biblical times. Such authors as Eric von Däniken have taken the idea a step further with the claim such technology could only come from an extraterrestrial race from outer space.

The machine was reproduced by Sassoon who was an engineer, he followed the directions given in the The Ancient of Days and he claimed it created a food source of algae. This explains how the Israelites survived their forty year journey in the Sinai Desert. It is said by Sassoon and Dale that a nuclear reactor used to power the manna machine was stored within the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was supposed to have powered the machine to run continuously, producing manna for six days and on the seventh day the machine would be taken apart for cleaning so it could run the following week. This is where the Sabbath, the holy day of rest, is thought to have originated. This knowledge was preserved within the Jewish Kabbalah that the authors claim to have correctly decoded and to support this claim their translation is explained by Sassoon and Dale in a companion work titled “The Kabbalah Decoded; A new Translation of the Ancient of Days Texts of the Zohar.”[1]

Ancient of Days : Debunking the aliens, solar powered water makerA team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, Berkeley have created a device using a specially designed metal-organic framework (MOF) capable of pulling litres of water in conditions where humidity is as low as 20 percent, a level common in arid areas. Impressively, it only needs the power of the sun to operate.

This breakthrough was published in a paper Thursday in the journal Science.

There are already dehumidifiers and other products out there that can collect water from humid air. The process, however, can be energy-intensive and essentially leave you with “very expensive water,” as senior author Omar Yaghi of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory put it in a statement.

The new device, however, “is capable of harvesting 2.8 litres of water per kilogram of MOF daily at relative humidity levels as low as 20 percent, and requires no additional input of energy,” the authors state in their paper. That’s about 2.8 litres of water in 12 hours.

“We wanted to demonstrate that if you are cut off somewhere in the desert, you could survive because of this device,” Yaghi said. “A person needs about a Coke can of water per day. That is something one could collect in less than an hour with this system.”

[1] The Kabbalah Decoded: A New Translation of the ‘Ancient of Days’ Texts of the Zohar
Sassoon, George; Dale, Rodney (1978). The Manna Machine. London : Sidgwick and Jackson. ISBN 0-283-98435-X. OCLC 4641788. Retrieved April 2, 2015.

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