Schismogenesis and its Application in Society

The intention of this report is to bring to your attention the term Schismogenesis, its mechanic and how the elect apply it as a weaponised instrument to control the populations. As a thing, we must defer back to an old definition of the same application and what we know as the Hegelian Dialectic, the birthing of division as a method of control and ultimately to get the desired result by playing two sides off against each other.

How the Autism Feedback Loop is Transmitted From Person to Person

Understanding what autism is will help you to understand how we all have traits of what autism is, that we can pass this on to others by our own patterns of behaviour. It also expands the real reason they are using the idea of pandemic to push the populations into an autistic feedback loop and to stifle all interaction in existence outside the constant battering from the political class and the media.

Origins of the South Australian Colony, the Evangelicals and Froebel

South Australia’s original diversity in religious beliefs was the key factor to South Australia’s Label ‘Paradise of Dissent’. When South Australia was first settled in the 1830s, one of the largest factors that attracted immigrants was the absence of a State Church. Immigrants could migrate to South Australia, without having a particular religious body to influence government and their own daily lives. The Church had been a huge factor in England, and other major nations around the globe for past centuries.

Lee Smolin and Jeffrey Epstein

Lee Smolin, Friend of Jeffery Epstein and another Harvard subversive pushing the pandemic pseudo science, received a Phd in theoretical physics back in 1979, is big on vaccinating everyone in the world using bluetooth and all things tech to ensure this program is fulfilled.”…

Double Headed Eagle

From whence came this two-headed eagle, and how came it to be associated with Scottish Rite Masonry? The last part of this question is easier to answer than the first, for there is direct testimony that Frederick of Prussia supplied this crest during the formative stages of the Rite, but neither Frederick nor indeed Prussia could claim the exclusive right the use or to bestow it. It is the imperial emblem of Russia, Austria, Serbia and other portions of the disrupted Holy Roman Empire, and Prussia adopted the emblem long after it had flown over Byzantium as the royal arms of the “Emperors of the East and West.” Why?…Well, quite simply the Prussian’s are Byzantium.

A Second Opinion

Consider that the idea of a pathogen was released to introduce the vaccine.
A collection of data running contrary to the mainstream narrative on all things pandemic; gained from all the medical and scientific experts you will not get to hear on your television.

Criminalising Father and Mother Through The Offspring

Consider the ever widening definition of domestic terrorist. You believe it means an armed insurgent, a bomber or murderer? Under what the NSPCC term; “a prevention duty” the duped and controlled are to seek out extreme views, what those views are, and, who has defined an extreme view, will chill you to the bone. This is the system we know as both communism and fascism, though most define the terms as separate systems, they are in fact two parts of the same system, dependancy first, commune-ism and then onto the scooping up of assets through administration law against “persons.”

Footprints of the Jesuits, R.W Thompson 1894

What is the blueprint for population division and ultimately reduction?
Many claim it to be a Jewish birthed agenda, and when you look into the Zohar and Talmud, it would indeed appear to be the case. The fact most that identify as Jewish today are of the Khazar race, and, that these peoples where taken over by the Prussian bloodlines through Catherine the Great at the same time she enveloped the disgraced Jesuits, while at the same time Napoleon ransacked Europe of her Christian monarchies and subdued the Knights of Malta to the Jesuit command… We can see how the Khazar’s and indeed the Jesuits are but a front what is best described as the hidden royal dynasties who trace back their linage to Persia and beyond that to Egypt.

UK High Court Judges Bible For Implementing The Noahide In Courts

In the United States of America, the corporation,  we know how the priesthood have installed the Noahide platform each year under the chameleon they call Education Day, but until now I have struggled to find the same evidence of it’s implementation inside the corporation the United Kingdom.
The method utilised in the UK comes in the form of a book titled, God, Justice and Society, Aspects of Law and Legality in the Bible by Jonathan Burnside.