Epstein, Clinton Foundation, ARK, Absolute Return for Kids, Adam and Eve and Noah

On the back of the fantasy pandemic we can see the script writers moving the entire show into the hands of the well established HIV/AIDS machine.  It is also the case that as they end restrictions, they are moving to shift the fear raised from the cauldron under pandemic, onto Russia. Fear is a tangible and manipulatable energy, as such it is imperative you realise that control by fear is the key in understanding what the hell is going on.

The Social Organisation of Australian Tribes

How the Crown organised the indigenous Australian population, now below 500,000, with only around five thousand pure bloods remaining. Since Fison and Howitt published in 1880 their Kamilaroi and Kurnai, the social organisation of the aboriginal tribes of Australia has received a great deal of attention from anthropologists, and the literature on the subject is now very extensive.

Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley 1894-1963 and his infamous glimpse into the future through his book, Brave New World. A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main en- trance the words, Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, and, in a shield, the World State’s motto, Community Iden-tity, Stability.

Rulers of Evil, Frederick Tupper Saussy

Leading American players behind the Reagan/Vatican conspiracy, to a man, were “devout Roman Catholics” – namely,
William Casey Director, CIA
Richard Allen National Security Advisor
Judge William Clark National Security Advisor
Alexander Haig Secretary of State
Vernon Walters Ambassador-at-Large
William Wilson Ambassador to the Vatican State
But the reporter neglected to mention that the entire Senate Foreign Relations committee was governed by Roman Catholics, as well. Specifically, Senators
Joseph Biden Subcommittee on European Affairs
Paul Sarbanes International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans, and Environment
Daniel P. Moynihan Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
John Kerry Terrorism, Narcotics, and Interna-tional Communications 
Christopher Dodd Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affair

The Celtic Collection

Not to be ignored if history is your speciality. The following books are an essential study if you want a better taker on the history of the British Isles and also of Europe; before the ‘Cult’ and its priesthood took control.

Footprints of the Jesuits, R.W Thompson 1894

What is the blueprint for population division and ultimately reduction?
Many claim it to be a Jewish birthed agenda, and when you look into the Zohar and Talmud, it would indeed appear to be the case. The fact most that identify as Jewish today are of the Khazar race, and, that these peoples where taken over by the Prussian bloodlines through Catherine the Great at the same time she enveloped the disgraced Jesuits, while at the same time Napoleon ransacked Europe of her Christian monarchies and subdued the Knights of Malta to the Jesuit command… We can see how the Khazar’s and indeed the Jesuits are but a front what is best described as the hidden royal dynasties who trace back their linage to Persia and beyond that to Egypt.

UK High Court Judges Bible For Implementing The Noahide In Courts

In the United States of America, the corporation,  we know how the priesthood have installed the Noahide platform each year under the chameleon they call Education Day, but until now I have struggled to find the same evidence of it’s implementation inside the corporation the United Kingdom.
The method utilised in the UK comes in the form of a book titled, God, Justice and Society, Aspects of Law and Legality in the Bible by Jonathan Burnside.