The Dutroux Affair

Perhaps one of the most chilling expositions on the elite child abuse and torture networks to date. With first hand accounts of direct experience within this network, which is vast and continues to this day, hidden and protected by the secret society cults that ultimately benefit from such acts through the blackmail and damaged personages that are birthed from such actions.

The Anti-Christ, Dr George W. Carey 1918

Exploring the idea that Constantine and the Council of Nicaea usurped the knowledge brought from the story of Jesus, kept by the Essenes, in order the priesthood of Babylon could fix Man as the monster of PERSON, for which Rome and its priesthood of Babylon laid out the world they control in order to close the gate back to earth.

Journey into the etymology of words

In these videos we have explored the idea that the Phoenician’s, whomever they are, ran the world from the empire on the seas. We have also explored the idea that the tribe of Judah was first taken by the philistines (Phoenicians) to exact their agenda in the Levant. With that in mind let us explore the etymology or origin of words and also the phonetics which offers up the audible means for transferring the words by sound. Example, C – Sea – See. We must also grasp the importance of how words can be split to offer up a hidden meaning or element within a word.

War, Lithium and the Clean Energy Reset

Lithium became the root of the cold war situation in having both the Soviet Union and the United States of America in the race to procure the most devastating nuclear weapons. From 1947 until 1989 this arms race would see the United States create some 40.000 warheads while the Soviet Union produced 32.000, and as we understand today, many of these tests some 1747 in all, on both sides, left a serious Ague in all areas they were tested.

Prophecy, remembering what was to see what might come

It is always helpful if you can find some remanence of a string, or indeed breadcrumbs left by a character from the past, as you traverse through the labyrinth held fast by the Bull. The following are a selection of works by prophets of renown, prophets that may hold a key for you to keep the lamp shining at your feet, as you buckle down and face the reality before us as we cut out the chaff to reveal the wheat.