What is the obsession with ancient Egypt by the priesthood? Seeking the reptile

A journey through races, religions, gods and architecture, to seek out the darkness afforded to the reptile race who impregnated the world of man. Judaism holds an obsession with Egypt still, over 3000 years after their time in Middle Egypt, specifically the Nile Delta, after Abram forced his way onto the nation with the Ark as a weapon powerful enough to prevent Egypt and her allies from removing them.

The Middle East is about to blow up again, what you need to know

Nothing is as it appears in the Middle East, 2000 ISIS fighters released into Iraq by Turkey facilitated by Trump, what is really going on? The Middle East is about to blow up again. That much is clear. And as is always the case the real core of this battle is to secure the oil and gas pipelines coveted by Russia, China, Europe and the United States. At the centre of this web sits Israel which is moving to become the centre of all Commerce through its pivotal role as the centre of all global Commerce between Europe, Asia and Africa. No matter who gains the resources, Israel will take it’s commanding financial cut in all the deals that will come out of the control of oil and gas, opium and weapons and yet what is clear in this game of war and refugee, is the fact Israel has chosen China as the new global power by definition of its will to ensure the West cannot support a new World War, and yet, believe it can until its is too late to stop it.

How to undo secret society, political and military oaths operating fear authority

So, you have taken an oath to some secret society, a figurehead or to the military of your nation and then you realise… the thing to which you have sworn allegiance is debauched full of shit and not acting according to propaganda that got you in. Basically according to everything you know, you are screwed, no way out and you must demean yourself for the remainder of your life because you are in error. The basic premise of this trap is to be understood in terms of an oath made under presumption, or if you like, an assumption. Allow me to expand the issue.

Has Jesuit Pope Francis Handed the Vatican to Bolshevik Atheist Communist China?

The first Chinese Catholic bishop was ordained with the blessing of both Pope Francis and the Chinese government under a new deal between Beijing and the Vatican. Monsignor Antonio Yao Shun received the papal mandate and was consecrated as the bishop of Jining, in Inner Mongolia, at a ceremony Monday 26 August, according to Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni on Tuesday.

The real line of the House of David

Much has been theorised as to the origin of the House Rothschild, who appear to control Judaism yet act contrary to the Torah. They do however present themselves as in full synchronicity with the Talmud by their historical actions afforded to the doctrine of Mammon. What is really going on?

The laws of nation are not the Laws of State

Understanding law verses the Laws of State through the eyes of our cultural heritage, from which the loss of authority of man may be rekindled. This system is called the unwritten constitution of England and remains the highest jurisdiction in force. Given today we have many jurisdictions of Law you have to invoke the unwritten jurisdiction by language and through the written word, by applying the correct grammar.

Tartaria, the other side of the equation

Was Tartaria the home of the missing Ten Tribes of the Israelite nation having been moved by the Assyrians to Media and their colonies? Tartaria and the Tartars is the new script currently being researched and presented to the alternative media platform. It appears the narrative has taken over the Russian mind as they move to convince the world that Russia is the source of all greatness. I have presented a report on the subject matter available but within this report I expand the idea of Tartaria being the home to the Ten Tribes of Israel.