In Profile : Lily Safra

In Profile : Lily Safra

15 January 2020

Speaking beforehand, Sir Elton said :

“I was asked to perform by Lily (Safra) and I said yes because she’s been so supportive of my charities.”“And when Lily asks you to do something, you do it.”

The above statement was taken by a BBC reporter from Elton John in relation to the launch of the global and corporate Academy spearhead ARK, Absolute Return For Kids in 2002. The black-tie event was co-hosted by Lord Jacob Rothschild and Lily Safra with each guest paying an undisclosed sum to attend the event which was also in aid of Somerset House itself. Prince Charles and Camilla also attended the event which is important when you consider the fact, his son William is the Patron of ARK.
Source :  as Pdf

Perhaps at this point we need to see the relationship between the House Rothschild and the current British Monarchy, we can achieve this with one simple image :

In Profile : Lily Safra

I am sure you might agree, the current British Monarchy appears to be but an arm of the House Rothschild, it has been so since at least 1812 when the Rothschild’s bailed out a bankrupt King moving on to achieve control of the Bank of England and the Stock Market. 

It was the shocking murder of her fourth husband — legendary banker Edmond Safra, who suffocated while bolted in a bathroom, by a fire set by one of his nurses at his lavish and security-proof Monaco penthouse in 1999 – that catapulted Lily into the limelight and generated news around the globe. Sleeping in a separate apartment, she managed to escape the flames by fleeing down a back stairway and across a balcony. With his death, she inherited an unimaginable fortune.

Lily Safra – née Watkins, formerly Cohen, formerly Monteverde, formerly Bendahan; born 30 December 1934 is a Brazilian-Monegasque billionaire, philanthropist, and socialite who attained considerable wealth through her four marriages. By March 2013, her net worth was estimated at $1.2 billion according to Forbes. Safra has a significant art collection and owns the historic Villa Leopolda on the French Riviera. In 2018, Lily Safra ranked 1756 on the Forbes World’s Billionaires list, with wealth listed at US $1.3 billion.

According to the Portuguese page, her maiden name is Lily Watkins. According to the same page, she descends from Russian Jews and had an English father.

Of course there are conflicting reports about her childhood which suggest she was either born in Mitcham, Surrey, or in Uruguay, we are supposed to guess… but if we take her own spiel when speaking with associates and friends, she is Lily Watkins, the daughter of a Russian Jewish émigré, who made a modest fortune exporting British railway carriages to Brazil. What is known is that she speaks five languages – English, French, Italian, German and Portuguese, and is working on Russian – and that she acquired her wealth from her four husbands. She speaks English with an indefinable foreign accent.

Arriving in London in 1999, Mrs Safra’s influence is significant, she has changed the tone of London. Under her influence, London is nearer to the social idioms of the New York hierarchy, where social position is defined not by what you have, but by how much you can afford to give away to worthy causes. Welcome to the court of the billionaires.

The rise of the almighty charity is synonymous with the secret societies from which they can earn income by massaging the emotions of their prey, as well as offering tax deductible methods of philanthropy afforded to the big charities and foundations to those who would hand over the lolly. This is an easy manipulation when your secret society networks are in full control of your domestic system. Hand over enough cash and you are now in the philanthropic club and it will cost you a small fortune, but hey…you are now part of the elect, you have status, Lily Safra has made it so.

But by far, the most important element in charitable status is the ability to do as you like with the cash collected because there is no requirement of you to offer up your accounts to Companies House. As such the public are non the wiser as to how their conscience money is really being spent. Is it any surprise our entire infrastructure, now fully incorporated with private interests, are shifting under the zero transparent status of a charitable enterprise? Everything claiming authority is becoming a charity.

Lily donated £8m to Somerset House for the computer-controlled fountains in its magnificent courtyard, and managed to arrange, against fierce opposition, for it to be named after her late husband Edmond, a banker. Lily Safra and Somerset House appear to be very closely connected as we saw in the first paragraph of this paper.

Deeply embedded with the House Rothschild and Prince Charles over here, over there, she counts as one of her great friends Prince Rainier of Monaco, the place her last husband was murdered. Lily hired the services of Prince Charles’s spinmeister Mark Bolland (on the recommendation of Camilla and Lord Rothschild) to handle her image after the intrigue in Monaco.

Safra’s marriage career began when she married Mario Cohen at 19, producing three children. She then became Mrs Freddy Monteverde, as the wife of a Brazilian hosiery magnate. In 1969, her second husband, multimillionaire Brazilian businessman Alfredo Monteverde, who was in the process of divorcing Lily, died under deeply mysterious circumstances. He was found sprawled on his bed in their home in an opulent Rio suburb with two gunshot wounds in his chest. It was quickly ruled a suicide — even though there was no gunpowder residue on his hands and there were many unanswered questions.

The bitter battle over his large estate pitted Lily against his mother and sister, she brought the world famous financier Edmond Safra, an adviser to Monteverde, to her side. He served as her eminence grise/ wealth manager for years as they plotted and planned and she became his mistress. Using his unlimited resources, they outmanoeuvred and out-litigated their opponents. Lily ended up with up with more money that she dreamed of ($300 million plus) but failed to attain her real goal — a proposal from Safra. His family despised the pushy wannabe, felt she was not Jewish enough and vehemently opposed their marriage.

A third marriage followed but to a man she knew well, Edmond Safra, the man she had turned to for financial advice. They married in 1976 and lived in a sumptuous six-bedroom apartment on Fifth Avenue in New York, with a guest suite at the Pierre Hotel for friends. Mr Safra, a Lebanese-born Sephardic Jewish financier whose private bank attracted a mix of clients from royalty to film stars, had always led a quiet, workaholic life but his fashionable new wife soon became a leading player in the socially competitive charity circuit in Manhattan. Society began commenting on their “meteoric rise to social power”.

Before the death of Edmund the couple where said to be worth £3 billion.
Edmund Safra is to be found in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book, page 48 :
In Profile : Lily Safra

Epstein, Lazard & Banker Contacts Including Edmond Safra (Russia/Browder/Magnitsky)
Epstein His Connection to “The Club” of Manipulators

Brother of Edmund is Joseph Safra who has a net worth of $24.7 billion. Joseph was born in Beirut, Lebanon or Aleppo, Syria, to a Sephardic jewish family with banking connections dating back to the Ottoman Empire. The family’s history in banking originated with caravan trade between Beirut, Aleppo, Alexandria and Istanbul during the Ottoman Empire. Deeper Study

The Safra family moved to Brazil in 1952. In 1955, Joseph’s 23-year-old brother, Edmond Safra, and his father, Jacob Safra, started working in Brazil by financing assets in São Paulo. But soon, Edmond Safra separated from his brothers Joseph and Moise and headed to New York where he founded the Republic National Bank of New York (which he later sold to HSBC in 1999 and donated most of his money to the Edmond Safra Foundation). Joseph Safra founded Banco Safra in 1955 and today it is reportedly the 6th largest private bank in Brazil. He remains the chairman of the Safra Group offering banking services throughout Europe, North and South America.

Joseph Safra acquired the remaining shares of Safra Group companies from his brother Moise Safra. The two brothers maintain a shareholding in Fibria Cellulose.

Other investments include :

In 2014 Joseph Safra paid more than £700 million to buy The Gherkin – one of the most insidious towers in the City of London.

One thing that stands clear, the Safra family do not want the public to know their true origin, not an uncommon red flag for those heralding from Russia.

Charity today has to be seen for what it is, a means to acquire wealth with absolute secrecy as to what the wealth will be used for, and the enterprise born of the monies collected has a tax free status which means it takes from the system while putting nothing of worth back into that system.

Norman Dodd gave us the insight into the American Foundations which under the secrecy afforded to the same allowed them to undermine a nation with zero accountability.

Clearly Lily Safra is a fully paid up member of this subversive methodology and must be seen exactly as she is, a deceptive player for the club you are not able to join, and yet you will suffer the consequences as the nation becomes a plaything for the banking billionaire fronts. Take Manchester in England as example, there are high rise buildings going up at an alarming rate, yet not a single building belongs to or is funded by British money. It would appear that these high-rise buildings are the playground for the network built by the philanthropist billionaires, looking down on all they see.

It would appear status has become the new morality, a status based entirely on how well you can pull the cash from the sycophant. If such is you’re only talent expect nothing of worth to come out of this platform, unless you are a banker or a bankers puppet… 

The Trussell Trust
The Dulverton Trust

Further Study
The Safra Dynasty: The Mysterious Family Of The Richest Banker In The World
In Profile : Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, Wealthiest Woman In Russia
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case
Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
People In Profile