Death camp statistics : the corporate National Health Service

NHS Facts and Figures









17 December 2015
I came across this super compendium of data for the NHS that the British taxpaying public pay for and share with more and more immigrants with every day that goes bye.

I was searching for the figures as relate to the opium consumption by the NHS, because as the media is apt to focus on opium in the form of heroin, which immediately fixes all minds to the underworld and drug dealers, they never ever speak of the opium consumption straight out of Afghanistan and straight into the medical mafia paws to be administered to Grandma and Granddad, and any other trusting soul that they can trap within the addiction web..

A rather threatening bit of data as it relates to mental health, which of course today,  given the corporate state promotes through every available orifice, is very importance, we find that 58,399 people were detained under the Mental Health Act in 2014/15. Looks a little like the concentration camp scoop up mentality is in full swing, just out of sight..

All the same as I continue my search for opium use by the NHS I offer you this super insight into the death camp network that is the British National Health Service.

Key statistics on the NHS. This data was last updated in October 2015. The figures apply to England, unless otherwise stated.

NHS funding
NHS net expenditure (resource plus capital, minus depreciation) has increased from £64.173 billion in 2003/04 to £113.300bn in 2014/15. Planned expenditure for 2015/16 is £116.574bn.

Health expenditure (medical services, health research, central and other health services) per capita in England has risen from £1,841 in 2009/10 to £1,994 in 2013/14.

The NHS net deficit for the 2014/15 financial year was £471 million (£372m underspend by commissioners and a £843m deficit for trusts and foundation trusts).

The most recently published national surveys of investment for mental health found there had been real terms reductions of 1 per cent for working age adults and 3.1 per cent for older people in 2011/12.

Providers and commissioners of NHS services
There are currently in England :
209 clinical commissioning groups (including 199 now authorised without conditions)
155 acute trusts (including 101 foundation trusts)
56 mental health trusts (including 43 foundation trusts)
34 community providers (15 NHS trusts, 3 foundation trusts and 16 social enterprises)
10 ambulance trusts (including 5 foundation trusts)
7,875 GP practices
853 for-profit and not-for-profit independent sector organisations, providing care to NHS patients from 7,331 locations

NHS staff
In 2014 the NHS employed 150,273 doctors, 377,191 qualified nursing staff, 155,960 qualified scientific, therapeutic and technical staff and 37,078 managers.

There were 32,467 additional doctors employed in the NHS in 2014 compared to 2004. The number has increased by an annual average of 2.5 per cent over that time.

There were 18,432 more NHS nurses in 2014 compared to ten years earlier. The number has increased by an annual average of 0.5 per cent over that period.

There were 5,729 more GPs and 1,688 more practice nurses employed by GPs in 2014 than ten years earlier.

There were 12,432 more qualified allied health professionals in 2014 compared to 2004. However the number of qualified healthcare scientists has declined for each of the past five years, with the number in 2014 874 below that of 2004.

50.6 per cent of NHS employees are professionally qualified clinical staff. A further 26.0 per cent provide support to clinical staff in roles such as nursing assistant practitioners, nursing assistant/auxiliaries and healthcare assistants.

An NHS Partners Network survey shows that more than 69,000 individuals are involved in providing front-line services to NHS patients among their membership. Approximately two-thirds are clinicians.

Since 2004 the number of professionally qualified clinical staff within the NHS has risen by 12.7 per cent. This rise includes an increase in doctors of 27.6 per cent; a rise in the number of nurses of 5.1 per cent; and 8.1 per cent more qualified ambulance staff.

Medical school intake rose from 3,749 in 1997/98 to 6,262 in 2012/13 – a rise of 67.0 per cent.

Managers and senior managers accounted for 2.67 per cent of the 1.388 million staff employed by the NHS in 2014.

The number of managers and senior managers increased slightly in 2014, having declined in each of the previous four years. However 37,078 was the second lowest total since 2004.
In 2008/09 the management costs of the NHS had fallen from 5.0 per cent in 1997/98 to 3.0 per cent.

International comparisons
In comparison with the healthcare systems of ten other countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and USA) the NHS was found to be the most impressive overall by the Commonwealth Fund in 2014.

The NHS was rated as the best system in terms of efficiency, effective care, safe care, coordinated care, patient-centred care and cost-related problems. It was also ranked second for equity.
However in the category of healthy lives (10th), the NHS fared less well.

Current health expenditure in the UK was 8.46 per cent of GDP in 2013. This compares to 16.43 per cent in the USA, 11.12 per cent in the Netherlands, 10.98 per cent in Germany, 10.95 per cent in France, 10.40 per cent in Denmark, 10.16 per cent in Canada and 8.77 per cent in Italy.

Current expenditure per capita (using the purchasing power parity) for the UK was $3,235 in 2013. This can be compared to $8,713 in the USA, $5,131 in the Netherlands, $4,819 in Germany, $4,553 in Denmark, $4,351 in Canada, $4,124 in France and $3,077 in Italy.

The UK had 2.8 physicians per 1,000 people in 2013, compared to 4.1 in Germany, 3.9 in Italy, 3.8 in Spain, 3.4 in Australia, 3.3 in France, 2.8 in New Zealand and 2.6 in Canada.

The UK had 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people in 2013, compared to 8.3 in Germany, 6.3 in France, 3.1 in Denmark, 3.0 in Spain and 2.8 in New Zealand.

Average length of stay for all causes in the UK was 7.0 days in 2013. This compares to 17.2 in Japan, 9.1 in Germany, 7.7 in Italy, 7.6 in New Zealand, 6.6 in Spain and 5.6 in France.

Patient experience
In the 2014 Care Quality Commission inpatient satisfaction survey 84 per cent of c56,300 respondents rated their overall experience as 7 (11 per cent), 8 (24 per cent), 9 (22 per cent) or 10 (27 per cent) out of 10.

81 per cent felt that they were always treated with dignity and respect while using inpatient services.

69 per cent said that their room or ward was ‘very clean.’

In the 2011 Care Quality Commission outpatient survey 95 per cent of people using outpatient services reported their care as being excellent (44 per cent), very good (39 per cent) or good (12 per cent).

89 per cent of people agreed that they were treated with dignity and respect at all these times while visiting outpatient services.

67 per cent of respondents to the CQC’s community mental health services survey for 2013 rated their experience between 7 and 10 out of 10.

78 per cent ‘definitely’ felt listened to carefully and 72 per cent ‘definitely’ had their views taken into account.

In August 2015 95.52 per cent of 191,194 inpatients treated by NHS trusts and foundation trusts would recommend their provider to friends or family (24.8 per cent response rate). For 15,962 inpatients treated by independent sector organisations, the proportion was 98.8 per cent (40.7 per cent response rate).

Aggregated GP Patient Survey results from July-September 2014 and January-March 2015 found that 84.8 per cent of respondents rated their overall experience at the GP surgery as ‘very good’ or ‘fairly good.’

63.5 per cent ‘definitely’ had confidence and trust in the last GP they saw. 74.9 per cent were satisfied with the opening hours of their practice.

68.6 per cent stated their overall experience of out-of-hours GP services was ‘very good’ or ‘fairly good.’

NHS activity
The NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours.

In 2014/15 there were 45 per cent more operations (‘procedures and interventions’ as defined by Hospital Episode Statistics, excluding diagnostic testing) completed by the NHS compared to 2004/05, with an increase from 6.848m to 9.920m.

The total annual attendances at Accident & Emergency departments was 22.364m in 2014/15, 25 per cent higher than a decade earlier (17.837m).

The 95 per cent standard to see patients within 4 hours of arrival at Accident & Emergency departments was achieved in 21 weeks during 2014.

There were 15.892m total hospital admissions in 2014/15, 31 per cent more than a decade earlier (12.102m).

The total number of outpatient attendances in 2013/14 was 82.060m, an increase of 8.8 per cent on the previous year (75.456m).

In the year to September 2015, 472,790 NHS patients chose independent providers for their elective inpatient care.

There were 779,786 referrals made by GPs to independent providers for outpatient care during the same period.

There were 1.836m people in contact with specialist mental health services in 2014/15. 103,840 (5.7 per cent) spent time in hospital.

There were 21.034m outpatient and community contacts arranged for mental health service users in 2014/15.

58,399 people were detained under the Mental Health Act in 2014/15.

There were 3.140m category A calls (Red 1 and Red 2) that resulted in an emergency response in 2014/15, 9.3 per cent more than the previous year (2.872m).

71.9 per cent of Red 1 ambulance calls were responded to within eight minutes in 2014/15.

There was an 18.5 per cent increase in emergency incidents between 2007/08 and 2012/13, reaching 6.89m in the latter year.

At the end of October 2015, there were 3.314 million patients on the waiting list for treatment. 253,949 (7.7 per cent) had been waiting for longer than 18 weeks, compared to 204,390 (6.8 per cent) at the same point in 2014.

Over the past three years the number of patients waiting longer than a year for treatment has declined from 1,281 in October 2012 to 867 in October 2015. In the same period, the number waiting in excess of 26 weeks has increased from 43,523 to 71,961.

85.6 per cent of people with admitted pathways (adjusted) were treated within 18 weeks of referral in September 2015, compared to 88.3 per cent a year earlier. That was the last month for which this target was applied.

93.5 per cent of people with non-admitted pathways were treated or discharged within 18 weeks of referral in October 2015, compared to 95.2 per cent a year earlier.

At the end of October 2015, 851,120 patients were on the waiting list for a diagnostic test. Of these, 1.7 per cent had been waiting in excess of six weeks.

Health and population
Life expectancy for UK men in 2011-13: 78.9 years.
Life expectancy for UK women in 2011-13: 82.7 years
The UK population is projected to increase from an estimated 63.7 million in mid-2012 to 67.13 million by 2020 and 71.04 million by 2030.

The UK population is expected to continue ageing, with the average age rising from 39.7 in 2012 to 42.8 by 2037.

The number of people aged 65 and over is projected to increase from 10.84m in 2012 to 17.79m by 2037. As part of this growth, the number of over-85s is estimated to more than double from 1.44 million in 2012 to 3.64 million by 2037.

The number of people of State Pension Age (SPA) in the UK exceeded the number of children for the first time in 2007 and by 2012 the disparity had reached 0.5 million. However the ONS currently projects that this situation will have reversed by 2018, with 0.3 million more children than those at SPA.
There are an estimated 3.2 million people with diabetes in the UK (2013). This is predicted to reach 4 million by 2025.

In England the proportion of men classified as obese increased from 13.2 per cent in 1993 to 26.0 per cent in 2013 (peak of 26.2 in 2010), and from 16.4 per cent to 23.8 per cent for women over the same timescale (peak of 26.1 in 2010).

Further Study
What The Media Is Not Telling You About The National Health Service
The opium fields of England… heroin-producing poppies grown to make NHS pain-relief drugs
Why You Must keep Out of the Realm of Mental Health, Calls for Euthanasia for the Mentally Ill