If you wanted find older data in relation to having you obey your doctor as a behaviour change requirement, see Suelette Dreyfus and Julian Assange. Hacking, madness and obsession on the electronic frontier ‘Gripping, eminently readable.. Dreyfus has uncovered one of this country’s best kept secrets and in doing so has created a highly intense and enjoyable read’—Rolling Stone
Category: United States
In Profile : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology abbreviated MIT, in our opinion, is the move into America of the pseudo science platform coming out of the Royal Society, which presents John Dee, Francis Bacon and on through Isaac Newton, as the blueprint from which the title ,The New Atlantis, would be achieved and thrust upon the American landmass. If you want to fully understand the battle in financial terms between the House Rothschild and the English American, then the forced implementation of the Federal Reserve is but a part of the overall agenda as the Temple Crown made its new home in America and called itself The United States of America.
Parity on contract human rights laws allowing a merge with mental health in UK for mandatory vaccination
You just cannot make this stuff up. Not content with the harrying of the global population in lockdown and muzzle, no, the priesthood has sent out its will through four sinister characters in a paper sent into the UK parliament which argues that a move to the acceptance of a mandatory vaccination program across the population, would not be in breach of either English Common Laws on rights nor those within the European Convention on Human Rights. The only mechanic that needs to be employed is to merge the Mental Health body of contractual laws as relates to the sectioning and enforced medical interference, with the latter laws on human rights and the rights of an Englishman.
Bitcoin Gold and the Truth About Quantitative Easing
Unmasking the deception in the Gold V Bitcoin and the truth about quantitative easing, they are removing liquidity not infusing. The Central Banks are no longer paying commercial banks in cash, they allocate a credit note in the reserves of the Central Banks. The credit cannot be used by the high street bank as it is theirs in name only, this mechanic removes liquidity by limiting the capacity of the high street bank, your bank.. Together with the lockdowns the banks are destroying private enterprise while contracting you to a new system of lease revenue.
Remedy From the Private, Certificate of Participation
Everything you need to know about subversion today
Quo Warranto, have you a license to practice medicine?
quo warranto, qualify pandemic? Statutes describing quo warranto usually indicate where it is appropriate. Ordinarily it is proper to try the issue of whether a public office or authority is being abused. For example, it might be used to challenge the Unauthorised Practice of a profession, such as law or medicine. In such situations, the challenge is an assertion that the defendant is not qualified to hold the position she claims—a medical doctor, for example.