Category: Transhumanism

5G, nano particles and the Space X satellite network

Number of satellites expected to be put into low and high orbit for the 5G network will be 20,000, not for the public but against the public. When we consider the 5G platform and all its abilities in yoking the global population to the technocratic mainframe, we must also consider the effects microwave radiation has on metals such as aluminium, barium, copper, iron, and many other metal nano particles that have already been thrust into the biology of the earth’s inhabitants. When the 5G network is operational, heralds the time that your phone becomes the amplifier of radiation frequencies to excite all those metals in your body. 

Corporate Sentencing Council moves to secure religious authority in online debates

How the body corporate is moving to protect its religious and gender moves against civility and Gods Law, welcome to the Sentencing Council. The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has drafted changes to public order offences, including anyone perceived as targeting online a “protected characteristic” including “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.”

How electromagnetic fields (EMFs) effect biology via voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) activation

All current safety guidelines or standards are based entirely within the paradigm that only thermal effects are to be considered for examination. They hold this stance even though there is a mass of evidence that non-thermal effects, such as VGCCs already mentioned, also have a direct effect on the biology of living things and must be measured and the findings presented.

In Profile : The Bee Hive Symbolism in Freemasonry

Understanding today through the symbolism of the beehive, as understood by the elect of Freemasonry and all brethren’s and fraternities. it is clear, we have all the main religions claiming to be acting for god while acting in the manner of their very well described antagonist. Is it any wonder we are as we are today, standing on the precipice of total conflict because of ignorance to the facts of doctrine. Today we are dragged into hell through convenience, it is very convenient to have others do all the literary work so one can follow, but it is time today that people carry out the due diligence when it comes to belonging to a fraternity, because what they actually represent as a hive mind set, is not what they present to its members.

In Profile : The roots of the hip hop agenda, Islam, paedophiles and cults

Roots of Hip Hop
Afrika Bambaataa born 1957, real name Kevin Donavan, was a member of an organisation from the Bronx called the Black Spades, from which he formed an offshoot called the Bronx River Organisation which morphed into the Universal Zulu Nation, he would lead it as its spiritual idol from the 1970s up to the early 1990s. The organisation operated under a humanitarian agenda claiming to be taking young boys off the streets and out of criminal hands. The main doctrine held by the group is Islamic and moves to have Blacks remember their African roots, in order division be expanded between African Americans and the white establishment.

Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee

The weapons system being built all around us is one not yet seen by the public. It is real and deadly, steered by the Bilderberg meetings. Two documents reveal the immensity of the unknown war, one titled, Silent Weapons for Quite Wars, May 1979, and a second presented only two months before 911 titled, NASA document The Future of War, July 2001. Open yourself up to this merry tale and you can see it all around you.

In Profile : The magic mushroom and the fake evolution, mind control Inc

MK-ULTRA SUBPROJECT 058 was launched in the Time Magazine of 13 May 1957. Launch of the psychedelic counterculture seeking the magic mushroom, Having tread the path through the 1970s launch of Punk Rock which debased behaviour, dress and morality, this on top of the previous decades of debasement and debauchery under the script of LSD and mushroom, I have seen this lead to expanded power to the corporate state in masses of legislation to control human behaviour, especially so as the greed and cocaine drive of the 1980s shifted into the Rave scene and another launch of the psychedelics on the youth.

Twisted Science, Cloning is good for humanity

Dr Lee Silver, an internationally renowned molecular biologist and expert on biomedical ethics, legal issues, and the societal challenges posed by advances in biotechnology, Silver is the author of many publications, including Mouse Genetics: Concepts and Practice, and Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World