Category: Weather

Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee

The weapons system being built all around us is one not yet seen by the public. It is real and deadly, steered by the Bilderberg meetings. Two documents reveal the immensity of the unknown war, one titled, Silent Weapons for Quite Wars, May 1979, and a second presented only two months before 911 titled, NASA document The Future of War, July 2001. Open yourself up to this merry tale and you can see it all around you.

Climate mafia re-define a hurricane for extra weather terrors

As the United Nations becomes a fully fledged nest of liars with a foundation script of, “the weather is going to destroy mankind and so they must tax and levy against Co2,” is being handed yet another fraudulent instrument to terrorise the corporate affiliated and television drunk masses.
A new definition of the hurricane is at hand after the latest terror story over hurricane Mathew failed to wreak the havoc promised by the climate mafia.

Controlling the weather with aerosol and electromagnetic weapons

There is one thing for sure when it comes to the skies today.things just ain’t what they used to be. White trails from aeroplanes that do not go away, obscuring the sun from great swathes of the earth, these we can verify because they are there to be seen.
Earthquakes and tsunamis with devastating results while floods abound in areas not known for such deluge. Crops are failing farmers going bust, not conspiracy or here say but irrefutable fact.
If something is going on in our skies then it also stands up that someone is ordering it, the following document could help in understanding what we do not yet fully understand

Weather, aerosol, and electromagnetic weapons

In The United States, weather- modification will likely become a part of a national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels. In the broadest sense, weather modification can be divided into two major categories : suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far reaching and/or long lasting scale.