Category: Bible Study

The real line of the House of David

Much has been theorised as to the origin of the House Rothschild, who appear to control Judaism yet act contrary to the Torah. They do however present themselves as in full synchronicity with the Talmud by their historical actions afforded to the doctrine of Mammon. What is really going on?

Pharaoh and his legions and the marked slaves

The mark of the slave, the subversion of Christendom, Pharaohs legions and the Zionist new world order, what you need to know. The flag of Egypt is the ensign of the sect of Ali (the second Mohammedan head of religion), which is ‘Mars, a Crescent, Luna; within the horns of which is displayed an estoile of the second’–abandoning the vert, or green, of the ‘Hadgi’, or of Mecca, the site of the apotheosis of Mohammed. The Mohammedan believers of the sect of Ali rely on the ‘masculine principle’–more closely, in this respect, assimilating with the Jews; and therefore their distinctive heraldic and theological colour is red, which is male, to the exclusion of the other Mohammedan colour, green, which is female. The ‘Hadgi’, or Pilgrims to Mecca, wear green; the Turkish Mussulmans wear red and green, according to their various titles of honour, and to their various ranks.

Historical fact shows that Judaism is an inversion of the Hebrew tradition

Judaism developed long after the Israelites had merged themselves with mankind, and that the true relationship of the two peoples is best expressed in the phrase, “The Israelites were not Jews.” Encyclopedia Brittanica.The Chief Rabbi of the British Empire in 1918, the Very Rev. J.H. Hertz, in answer to an enquiry on this point said explicitly, “The people known at present as Jews are descendants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin with a certain number of descendants of the tribe of Levi.”

Trump, King Cyrus, the third temple and the mass movement of people

At the Royal Arch level of York Rite Freemasonry the oath is taken to Israel, not the Church of England, modern Masonry is an arm of the Talmud. “For the good of Masonry, generally, but for the Jewish nation in particular.
Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry” — quoted from Craig Heimbichner’s book Blood on the Altar, page 83. Pictured on the page is the Masonic Jewel, Royal Arch, 7th Degree rite in which York Rite Freemasons pledge allegiance to the Jewish nation. The Masonic jewell of this rite is Solomon’s Seal with a sun blazing inside a triangle in the centre.

The Geneva Bible, the Jewish Puritan Pilgrims and vaccination genocide

Puritans are behind the medical corruption of the human body and the plagues laid at the feet of their God. Christianity is the scapegoat. Is it important that a distinction be made between what is a Jewish creation and what is a Christian creation? Because by their talents, the Jewish community have managed to present Christianity as the antagonist and evil doer to history, in many events that were nothing of the sort. This position must be made correct before the entire global Evangelical Zionist cult releases the anger of the Puritan across the European landmass, again.

What was the character of King Solomon and who is rebuilding his temple?

What is really behind the banking system? Are we speaking of the hidden narrative in the real nature of King Solomon over his fake persona? In Britain before the Civil War a Templar based theology was being pushed by the Puritans in direct contradiction to the power of Canon Law. More in tune with Jewish tradition the Puritans wanted nothing less than a departure from the restrictive Canons and the ever watchful priesthood of the Catholic tradition. Scotland by this time was already a solid Templar stronghold having pushed the original Christian theology up into the Hebrides, therefore much had been achieved in Scotland as a whole, especially after the mass influx of Belgian families under David I.

Bible Study : The origin and meaning of the word Gentile

It is a fact that today that the entire western populations have been and continue to be coerced to believe a deception about themselves as a race, specific to our relationship in the israelite tradition, a deception under which we are told we are to see ourselves as the ‘Gentiles’, within the commonly held idea that such a label is to represent the difference between the Jews and the none Jews, The profundity of the deception must be fully understood by Christianity as a whole.