Category: Libya

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know

There no longer exists any form of representative government under the framework that is the United Nations Charter. Today what presents itself as your council or government, or more correctly, the men and women working within the same, defraud you by pretending they are still representing you after you gave them your vote. What we call government today is in fact an incorporated entity, that means that because they are corporations, they can no longer represent you a living man/woman, due to the fact the council/government has changed Jurisdiction, they have shifted from a realm of laws to a realm of commercial legislation they call the Legal System.

Salman Abedi, the Manchester Suicide Attack, the facts

Salman Abedi and his father Ramadan are no strangers to Islamic terrorist groups and actions, both are known to intelligence agencies. With the destruction of the Libyan regime by NATO Ramadan Abedi joined the Al Umma party lead by Sami al Saddi, one of the LIFG’s highest commanders, and again through his connection with Belhaj would become close to the Grand Mufti himself, and highest spiritual authority for the hardcore Islamist drive to build the caliphate, Sadeq al Ghariani.