Category: Radiation

In Profile : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology abbreviated MIT, in our opinion, is the move into America of the pseudo science platform coming out of the Royal Society, which presents John Dee, Francis Bacon and on through Isaac Newton, as the blueprint from which the title ,The New Atlantis, would be achieved and thrust upon the American landmass. If you want to fully understand the battle in financial terms between the House Rothschild and the English American, then the forced implementation of the Federal Reserve is but a part of the overall agenda as the Temple Crown made its new home in America and called itself The United States of America.

In Profile : NEC’s Connect platform, the future of law enforcement

Creating the Gladiator theatre in your community, not policing the realm usurps the realm. If the orders are treason, your duty is to not follow? In November 2018 the entire British raft of Police Constabularies, I say that loosely as it becomes clear by the day, they are corporate entities serving the corporate network…did take up the American Intelligence IT platform they call Connect.

5G, nano particles and the Space X satellite network

Number of satellites expected to be put into low and high orbit for the 5G network will be 20,000, not for the public but against the public. When we consider the 5G platform and all its abilities in yoking the global population to the technocratic mainframe, we must also consider the effects microwave radiation has on metals such as aluminium, barium, copper, iron, and many other metal nano particles that have already been thrust into the biology of the earth’s inhabitants. When the 5G network is operational, heralds the time that your phone becomes the amplifier of radiation frequencies to excite all those metals in your body. 

Privatised Health is a military theatre, what will become of the National Health Service?

In 2011 American Defence Contractors became the service providers for Obamacare. They are moving to become the National Health Service itself. In 2011 Lockheed Martin carried out the 2011 Census in the United Kingdom in which Brits were told they must hand over a shed load of personal information to a private American military contractor. The internet is not the only way they have collected your data.

How electromagnetic fields (EMFs) effect biology via voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) activation

All current safety guidelines or standards are based entirely within the paradigm that only thermal effects are to be considered for examination. They hold this stance even though there is a mass of evidence that non-thermal effects, such as VGCCs already mentioned, also have a direct effect on the biology of living things and must be measured and the findings presented.

Counter-intel, jamming the scalar invasion

How to counter the high end scalar technology grid in your home and workspace. Our bodies in particular are tuned to the environment using wave forms of various types. Electromagnetism is foundational to the material universe, and all dynamic systems are made possible through this type of energy. Heat, light, sound, chemistry, biology ad infinitum – are all governed by this all encompassing aspect of electromagnetism. As such, within the ever expanding drive for global control, the military has moved to weaponise the entire globe in order they can spy on humanity, it should then come as no surprise that scalar technology is a huge part of that platform.