Category: Genetics

Rudolf Steiner on Traditional Childhood Illnesses and Vaccines

Rudolph Steiner encouraged the body to heal itself as opposed to copious amounts of chemistry being ingested, a subject worth investigation. “. . . the heirs of modern materialism will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy,’ that is, make its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”

In Profile : NEC’s Connect platform, the future of law enforcement

Creating the Gladiator theatre in your community, not policing the realm usurps the realm. If the orders are treason, your duty is to not follow? In November 2018 the entire British raft of Police Constabularies, I say that loosely as it becomes clear by the day, they are corporate entities serving the corporate network…did take up the American Intelligence IT platform they call Connect.

Privatised Health is a military theatre, what will become of the National Health Service?

In 2011 American Defence Contractors became the service providers for Obamacare. They are moving to become the National Health Service itself. In 2011 Lockheed Martin carried out the 2011 Census in the United Kingdom in which Brits were told they must hand over a shed load of personal information to a private American military contractor. The internet is not the only way they have collected your data.

How electromagnetic fields (EMFs) effect biology via voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) activation

All current safety guidelines or standards are based entirely within the paradigm that only thermal effects are to be considered for examination. They hold this stance even though there is a mass of evidence that non-thermal effects, such as VGCCs already mentioned, also have a direct effect on the biology of living things and must be measured and the findings presented.

Chronology of the HIV-Aids catastrophe

Is HIV-Aids a rare form of Leukaemia from prescribed medication? The original expert specialists assigned to deal with the outbreak say it is. HIV was officially ‘discovered’ in 1983. Those expert in the data relating to virus’s and the human body have made astonishing discoveries that have lead them to understand that HIV was and is, a pure Laboratory creation, and not as is claimed, the discovery of an already existing virus.

Cancer epidemic due to the introduction of viruses through vaccinations, SV-40 on trial

The Western Biological attack came in twin form, the 1950s counterculture to hide the 1940s polio vaccine attack. Frankenstein reigns supreme. The following chronology of events in relation to the mass launch of a biological weapon upon the western masses, via the Polio vaccine containing live viruses, was such a major event they had to have a script to take the attention off the mad scientists. The 1950s counterculture would be the other side of this agenda leading to the launch of psychedelic mushroom and LSD is the twin operation to the biological attack upon the white Europeans in all continents.

Twisted Science, Cloning is good for humanity

Dr Lee Silver, an internationally renowned molecular biologist and expert on biomedical ethics, legal issues, and the societal challenges posed by advances in biotechnology, Silver is the author of many publications, including Mouse Genetics: Concepts and Practice, and Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World

United States to start funding human animal hybrids, the chimera

The National Institutes of Health announced has announced it proposes to remove the ban on funding for animal-human chimeras, I would suggest a little bit of research into what lobbyists have tweaked the minds of the mad professors given such an important issue as creating the Minotaur and the entire raft of Greek legends back onto the earth, after all the last time they loosed such genetic manipulations brought upon the world the great flood. Tut tut….