1 June 2024 Before we enter this subject matter we would be wise to consider the premise upon which lie after lie has been promulgated by the elites who control the world through their chosen demonic enterprise known as Judaism, to formulate a new Trust into which the wealth of the world will be placed. Read More …
Category: Germany
How Western Civilisation has Been Stolen
8 May 2024 The following video offers the insight into a method played against us by which all western capitol, through a deception played by the Church and finance, has undermined our natural right of dominion over land and property, described in Genesis 1. In November 1302 Boniface had issued a fundamental declaration concerning the Read More …
Civil Unrest and Readying for Conscription for WWIII
lifeinthemix livestream from 28 April 2024. Topics discussed: The Mongols Need You Via the Khazars, Get Ready For Signs of Conscription. Australia gets a warning.Canada QR codes to leave the city.90.000 NATO troops on exercise in Eastern Europe.Ireland Martial law.Trump as King Cyrus.Dip into MKUltra.Grounding the Avatar.Destroying the Eyes.Face recognition at the Asda.Alex Jones.David Cameron’s Read More …
From the Horses Mouth
Inner City Temple Bar
Abortion is Not a Christian Doctrine, Source Document
Today, there are those who believe abortion is nothing to be concerned about, my body my choice, they cry, as they move to murder their offspring inside the womb. The first two parts of this mantra are correct, it is your body and you always have choice, but such a shallow degenerate idiom is born of a lowly spirit, a spirit that cannot see beyond its own image.
Moving assets to the Vatican bank, What it means
Pope’s admission of genocide demands all assets move to the Vatican bank to secure the debt to China levied against the western nations and person. Under the terms of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should it be known that genocide has occurred, then those responsible, either as individuals or as officers of the institution or corporation must be prosecuted and punished. Another act that can be brought against the perpetrator is to seize all assets under the “avails of crime’ statutes.
The etymology of the English word man
The word “human” is not related to man; it’s a complete coincidence that one contains the other because human comes from the Latin homanus, which was derived from homo, meaning same. Plural men (German Männer) shows effects of i-mutation. Sometimes connected to root men- “to think” (see mind), which would make the ground sense of man “one who has intelligence.
War, Lithium and the Clean Energy Reset
Lithium became the root of the cold war situation in having both the Soviet Union and the United States of America in the race to procure the most devastating nuclear weapons. From 1947 until 1989 this arms race would see the United States create some 40.000 warheads while the Soviet Union produced 32.000, and as we understand today, many of these tests some 1747 in all, on both sides, left a serious Ague in all areas they were tested.
Club of Rome : Planetary Emergency Plan. Another New Deal
1933 – Hitler entered power on a new deal in Germany. In the United States Roosevelt pulled in his new deal also. Do I need to explain further? 1997 enter Gordon Brown and Tony Blair again with a new deal for you the public. Well they have been very busy at it again with another New deal coming out of the Club of Rome in partnership with The Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research.