Revealed, top IPCC climate scientist in the UK and USA in creating manufactured data about release of carbon dioxide through burning of fossil fuels. The ultimate source of energy for the heating of earth’s surface and atmosphere is the Sun. Out of the total solar radiation that reaches the top of atmosphere, about 49 percent reaches on the earth’s surface called insolation. 31 percent is reflected back to space while 20 percent is absorbed by atmosphere. This shows atmosphere absorbs only 20 percent of solar radiation directly while earth’s surface is the major source of energy for the heating of atmosphere.
Category: Finance
Your Prime Minister Boris Johnson out of Europe into Israel
Brexit maybe but what really controls this Conservative government? Like Cameron before him Johnson has sinister friends meet donor Poju Zabludowicz. Zabludowicz’s co-investor in this scheme – controversial businessman Scot Young – was found impaled on the railings outside his London flat in 2014. An inquest on Young’s death found insufficient evidence of suicide, and his family suspected he had been murdered. Young’s ex-wife believed that he had used supposed losses on his business project with Zabludowicz to hide tens of millions of pounds during their divorce: a judge agreed and awarded Young’s ex-wife £20m in 2013, but she had yet to receive a penny by the time Young died a year later.
BlackRock letters show body corporate moving the climate scam
In Profile : Lily Safra
Lily Safra – née Watkins, formerly Cohen, formerly Monteverde, formerly Bendahan; born 30 December 1934 is a Brazilian-Monegasque billionaire, philanthropist, and socialite who attained considerable wealth through her four marriages. Lily pushes charity for the unaccountability platform that is global incorporation.
Bankers, Scientists, Holistic Doctors, the dead list
Trump/Ukraine connection, global mafia control the political class
The Middle East is about to blow up again, what you need to know
Nothing is as it appears in the Middle East, 2000 ISIS fighters released into Iraq by Turkey facilitated by Trump, what is really going on? The Middle East is about to blow up again. That much is clear. And as is always the case the real core of this battle is to secure the oil and gas pipelines coveted by Russia, China, Europe and the United States. At the centre of this web sits Israel which is moving to become the centre of all Commerce through its pivotal role as the centre of all global Commerce between Europe, Asia and Africa. No matter who gains the resources, Israel will take it’s commanding financial cut in all the deals that will come out of the control of oil and gas, opium and weapons and yet what is clear in this game of war and refugee, is the fact Israel has chosen China as the new global power by definition of its will to ensure the West cannot support a new World War, and yet, believe it can until its is too late to stop it.
In Profile : the Kazakh-Turkish family behind so many football scandals
The shadow of football, the Arifs for 25 years built an empire tied to Russian mobsters, post-soviet plunderers, wealthy Turks and presidents. The source of the Arifs’ wealth is a polluting chrome foundry in Kazakhstan. Since the 1990s, the Arifs have been in business with the ‘Kazakh trio’, controversial businessmen close to Kazakhstan president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. It is these relationships that the family has spent over two decades trying to protect.
Endgame in the West, time for a rebirth of the Militias
How the child and adult trafficking networks operate
Contrary to what the midwives tell you, the Vitamin K blood take at the birth of your child is for the data banks for child trafficking requirements. Children are ordered by bloodline and blood type. Those in particular demand will be targeted by Social Services down the line with a big help from the now corporate Academies and incorporated Primary Schools. This also operates through Council connected corporate child minding operations, who are paid cash to refer children to the Social Services network.