Category: Bank of England

Satanic Alpha runs theology, Gods new bankers are Zionists

What you need to know about the Academies and the City. God’s new bankers are Evangelicals. Over the past decade, a specific type of evangelical Christianity has taken hold of the Square Mile, although only recently has it dared speak its name (at least in City circles). Foremost among them is the Alpha course, whose extraordinary expansion has been funded in part from the deep pockets of former Lazard chairman Ken Costa

Bitcoin, fiat currency, central banks and the final deception from the banking cartel

How the crypto currencies are the carrot the banking cartel offer to birth the global electronic currency. Moving to kill the Dollar. The conjuring trick is to replace our system of private bank-created money  which equates to around 97 Percent of the money supply — with state-created money. All appears to be well until you look a little closer and recognise the fact there is a serious deception going on here, because today, what they call the state, is in fact a state made up of central bank corporations hiding behind charitable status for all the secrecy and unaccountability the aid platform offers. Ergo, what they today call the state, is the Central Banking systems physical body, the global net of corporations. There are no sovereign states anymore today, the corporate state that controls all nations ‘IS’ the central banking cartel.

In Profile : Who owns your Soul? Welcome to Cestui Que Vic Trusts

Who legally owns your soul? Registering your child’s birth handed them over to the Roman Empire regardless of the country you exist within. Constantine in the spurious written donation to Pope Sylvester, today proven to be an invention, is basically presenting a case that St Peter as the Apostle of Jesus, and the one to whom Jesus gave the earthly kingdom, is reason enough for Rome to continue to Claim taxes for Christ. Hence was born the Corporation of the Apostle Peter.

We left Europe, what now?

Having voted to leave the European Union on 23 June we can see some very serious high level games playing out to circumvent the will of the people of Great Britain. Today Boris Johnson, the main thrust in the political drive to leave the Union has declared himself out of the race to become the new leader of the Conservative Party and thus becoming Prime Minister, Theresa May however remains the firm favourite to take the helm which has serious and sinister undertones given her love for the all powerful Police State.

What is the European Union, and who controls it?

June 2016 and the Isles of Britain go to the vote on whether we remain a partner or we leave the Lisbon Treaty contract that governs the European Union as a political and financial dictatorship. But is that then whole truth of the matter?
Not unlike the American Civil War era which was a time a nation struggled against the might of the private blanking cabal from Europe, or to be more precise, the Roman Empire families, who moved hard and fast to force the entire Northern continent called America, into a conglomerate of United States governed by the private Central Banking system of the old money families that held Europe in its claws of serfdom and slavery.

Is the bail-in principle a Vatican Concordat?

Is the banking bail-in principle such as the G-SIFI system in the UK, a protocol of the First and Second Vatican Council? A document from the Second Vatican Council; The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World paragraph 69 has this to say :
“If one is in extreme necessity, he has the right to procure for himself what he needs out of the riches of others.”
This protocol has been pushed and pushed since Vatican II as the Vatican moves to make this a matter of Civil Law as the foundation of every State with which it has a Concordat.

Bank of England demands UK banks find another £27bn by 2020

The privately owned Central Bank, The Bank of England, administered by the House of Rothschild, has demanded the biggest lenders must show they have resources to continue providing vital financial services even should other parts of the bank or institution collapse. The UK’s top banks have been ordered to raise another £27bn by 2020, on top of cuts implemented since the 2008 collapse. It is being claimed by the corporate media that the demands are to prove to private regulators that the core of the financial system, such as bank payments, will still operate even if they collapse.