The City of London has an interesting and sinister name, ‘the invisible empire’.
Things are not as they appear when one takes a look at the real power brokers that made and make up the Inner City of London, Temple Bar and the City Corporation.
Category: Bank of England
Rothschild Bank of England and Australian Gold
The Nameless War, Captain Achibald. H. Maule Ramsay
The Nameless War reveals an unsuspected link between all the major revolutions in Europe – from King Charles I’s time to the abortive attempt against Spain in 1936. Arrested under Regulation 18b Captain Ramsay on the 23rd May, 1940, he was detained, without charge or trial, in a cell in Brixton Prison until the 26th September, 1944. On the following morning he resumed his seat in the House of Commons and remained there until the end of that Parliament in 1945.
The Federal Reserve system is organised by the Temple Crown
The Crown Temple is not the British Crown. The former dictates through the latter via membership of the Inner Temple by Elizabeth Mary Windsor. There is the Office of Monarch taken from the authority of the Throne and as such this is the Constitutional Office that cements the realm as a Kingdom under the Ten Commandments from which all law is qualified. This is the platform of nations and is the jurisdiction born of Scriptural law codified and is described as the Ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Then there is the Crown Temple.
What is the Crown Temple?
The British monarch is not the Crown, the office of monarch is the head of state and exists in the fiction. The Crown is the bankers and attorneys who are the priestcraft or wizards that administer the will of the Templar Crown. The heads of the Templars has base in Switzerland. There are rumours that this elect have shifted their Crown, East, into Singapore.
Let Notre Damn Burn
Gothic Cathedrals are not Christian at all, the Gothic style is the architecture of the moneylenders and usurers and the fake Rome. The Jews arrived in England under command of William the Bastard (conquerer) in 1066 in the wake of his defeat of King Harold II at Hastings on October 14. These Jews came from Rouen, 75 miles from Falaise, were William was born illegitimately. Historical records show that the Jews financed the entire invasion and were thus given the rights to practice usury under royal protection.
Lancashire County Council is Owned by the Blues and Twos Credit Union Ltd
Blues & Twos Credit Union owns Lancashire County Council it is registered at companies house, and for the pun… its number is 666. My investigations into Lancashire County Council (LCC) started over 6 weeks ago when I first discovered them listed on Dunn and Bradstreet’s’ website. It is listed there as a company and all of the schools in the county are listed as they’re ‘trading names’. I was interested to know more about the corporate status of LCC.
Winston Churchill : Zionism verses Bolshevism 1920
Churchill and the Bolsheviks, two sides of the womb called the Sabbatean Frankish Israel, to birth the equally unclean Templar Jerusalem. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the illegitimate child of Edward VII, was an ardent Zionist with the role of berating Bolshevism to form the fantasy of division within the Jewish Messianic cult so they could offer up their speciality of opposing sides they control allowing a theology for the Bolshevik, Karl Marx and his action, and the theology for the political division in which God said subversion and ordered his faithful to birth Zionism.
1933 bankruptcy declarations and the debt slave, what you need to know
Understanding how bankruptcy declared by incorporated governments, entrapped you and your progeny into the hands of the slave traders. All monies collected globally through taxation is sent to the central banking system and onto London. The Bank of England takes 40% with 60% going on to the Vatican Bank, which has always been in the hands of the House Medici, passed to the House Fugger and onto Rothschild and the Bank for International Settlements.
When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know
There no longer exists any form of representative government under the framework that is the United Nations Charter. Today what presents itself as your council or government, or more correctly, the men and women working within the same, defraud you by pretending they are still representing you after you gave them your vote. What we call government today is in fact an incorporated entity, that means that because they are corporations, they can no longer represent you a living man/woman, due to the fact the council/government has changed Jurisdiction, they have shifted from a realm of laws to a realm of commercial legislation they call the Legal System.