Category: Europe

Patent Proves Vaccine is an Obedience Training Platform

The end game of the pandemic is to have you connected to an electronic control grid via a portion of the contents of the Covid vaccine. The grid is set to become the method from which your entire day to day actions become a file that the A.I. will determine how well you act in accordance with any given form of laws at any given time. What this boils down too is an obedience system fully controlled by A.I. and administered via government agencies. Dependant upon what information is held in the database, which is changeable dependant on your behaviours at any given time, will be the ruling factor and thus  determine what strength of noxious vaccine content you are to receive as a booster, based entirely upon your behaviour as collected through the apps they insist you download.

Statutory Declaration, You are Essential

The demented are moving to divide the populations into vaccinated and not, one of the big methods to this endeavour is to determine who is essential and who is not. This of course will play out in shops, fuel stations, food outlets and other corporate animal farms. The following document is a good method of declaring your status before they do.

Fact Sheet, Moderna Shot

Vaccination providers enrolled in the federal COVID-19 Vaccination Program must report all vaccine administration errors, all serious adverse events, cases of Multisystem Inflammatory
Syndrome (MIS) in adults, and cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalisation or death following administration of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.

Rulers of Evil, Frederick Tupper Saussy

Leading American players behind the Reagan/Vatican conspiracy, to a man, were “devout Roman Catholics” – namely,
William Casey Director, CIA
Richard Allen National Security Advisor
Judge William Clark National Security Advisor
Alexander Haig Secretary of State
Vernon Walters Ambassador-at-Large
William Wilson Ambassador to the Vatican State
But the reporter neglected to mention that the entire Senate Foreign Relations committee was governed by Roman Catholics, as well. Specifically, Senators
Joseph Biden Subcommittee on European Affairs
Paul Sarbanes International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans, and Environment
Daniel P. Moynihan Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
John Kerry Terrorism, Narcotics, and Interna-tional Communications 
Christopher Dodd Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affair

Criminalising Father and Mother Through The Offspring

Consider the ever widening definition of domestic terrorist. You believe it means an armed insurgent, a bomber or murderer? Under what the NSPCC term; “a prevention duty” the duped and controlled are to seek out extreme views, what those views are, and, who has defined an extreme view, will chill you to the bone. This is the system we know as both communism and fascism, though most define the terms as separate systems, they are in fact two parts of the same system, dependancy first, commune-ism and then onto the scooping up of assets through administration law against “persons.”

The European Stability Mechanism (“ESM”) Document Censored

The European Council agreed on 17 December 2010 on the need for euro area Member States to establish a permanent stability mechanism. This European Stability Mechanism (“ESM”)  assumed the tasks currently fulfilled by the European Financial Stability Facility (“EFSF”) and the European Financial  Stabilisation Mechanism (“EFSM”) in providing, where needed, financial assistance to euro area Member States. The above is taken from a document I had taken down by Scribd, today 22 April 2021.

Bitcoin Gold and the Truth About Quantitative Easing

Unmasking the deception in the Gold V Bitcoin and the truth about quantitative easing, they are removing liquidity not infusing. The Central Banks are no longer paying commercial banks in cash, they allocate a credit note in the reserves of the Central Banks. The credit cannot be used by the high street bank as it is theirs in name only, this mechanic removes liquidity by limiting the capacity of the high street bank, your bank.. Together with the lockdowns the banks are destroying private enterprise while contracting you to a new system of lease revenue.