What has power in the Legal Civil systems of nations? is it the Law or the Law of the Sea? Or have we missed the fact that today it is the Holy See?
Category: Climate Change
In Profile : The Royal Society, a Very Well Paid Government Department Pushing Climate Change
The Royal Society is the Church of the new order, its creed and law is the science of inversion, of culture, religion, the family and life. The Royal Society, from their 2010/11 accounts, show clearly, the society is dependent upon government handouts to the tune of £48.782, a staggering 67% of its budget.
Bitcoin, fiat currency, central banks and the final deception from the banking cartel
How the crypto currencies are the carrot the banking cartel offer to birth the global electronic currency. Moving to kill the Dollar. The conjuring trick is to replace our system of private bank-created money which equates to around 97 Percent of the money supply — with state-created money. All appears to be well until you look a little closer and recognise the fact there is a serious deception going on here, because today, what they call the state, is in fact a state made up of central bank corporations hiding behind charitable status for all the secrecy and unaccountability the aid platform offers. Ergo, what they today call the state, is the Central Banking systems physical body, the global net of corporations. There are no sovereign states anymore today, the corporate state that controls all nations ‘IS’ the central banking cartel.
The Regulation of Geoengineering, House of Commons 10 March 2010
UK’s Science and Technology Committee, appointed by the House of Commons has a report on the Regulation of Geoengineering from 2010. This is rather interesting given today, governments are claiming not to be carrying out geoengineering operations that they have been carrying out since the 1960’s, upgraded in 1998 leading to a myriad of lines across the skies.
Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee
The weapons system being built all around us is one not yet seen by the public. It is real and deadly, steered by the Bilderberg meetings. Two documents reveal the immensity of the unknown war, one titled, Silent Weapons for Quite Wars, May 1979, and a second presented only two months before 911 titled, NASA document The Future of War, July 2001. Open yourself up to this merry tale and you can see it all around you.
Oil as a fossil fuel is fake science
To invent the idea that oil is a fossil fuel, served to create the Dollar as reserve currency with a limited manpower economy, now, after the C02 script, the new reserve currency could well show itself as nemesis and destroyer of the fossil fuel monster, as all things Paris Agreement see this move to the banking construct that is China, as the authority on climate quotas. And of course we must never forget, China is the largest polluter. Pseudo-science and gobbledegook politics.
Undermining civilisation to instal the corporate script, the green machine, C.S Lewis on trial
Superiority of race was the programming pushed upon the children under the Third Reich, today the children are given a superiority complex under the climate script. To achieve success in this regard the religious foundation of the target nation has to be so completely undermined, that the age old and global norm of child obeys parent, can be overturned, with the private enterprise controlling the shift and into who’s arms go the brainwashed children, and from the former example in Germany, all the children were slaughtered.
Climate mafia re-define a hurricane for extra weather terrors
As the United Nations becomes a fully fledged nest of liars with a foundation script of, “the weather is going to destroy mankind and so they must tax and levy against Co2,” is being handed yet another fraudulent instrument to terrorise the corporate affiliated and television drunk masses.
A new definition of the hurricane is at hand after the latest terror story over hurricane Mathew failed to wreak the havoc promised by the climate mafia.
In Profile : The Society of Jesus
Before we enter this subject I would point out that with the rush to present information about the Society of Jesus in recent years, many who operate in this theatre are apt to merge the Vatican system with that of the Jesuits. Today under Pope Francis this is definitely the case, but it has not always been so, the Jesuits and pre-Vatican II Catholicism had shown themselves to be absolute opposites.
Oil, climate change, loss of right to travel and the Islamic control of UK fuel
Joeri Rogelj, a research scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria, with his European and Canadian colleagues propose in Nature Climate Change that previous estimates on the quantities of carbon dioxide that the corporate state order can be released into the atmosphere before potentially catastrophic temperature are too large. This situation alone as the climate legislation begins to be enforced will be more than enough to ignite the civil unrest agenda in the UK which will see the activation of the Contingency legislation already implemented and tested throughout the entire UK domestic system.