Category: Climate Change

War, Lithium and the Clean Energy Reset

Lithium became the root of the cold war situation in having both the Soviet Union and the United States of America in the race to procure the most devastating nuclear weapons. From 1947 until 1989 this arms race would see the United States create some 40.000 warheads while the Soviet Union produced 32.000, and as we understand today, many of these tests some 1747 in all, on both sides, left a serious Ague in all areas they were tested.

Club of Rome : Planetary Emergency Plan. Another New Deal

1933 – Hitler entered power on a new deal in Germany. In the United States Roosevelt pulled in his new deal also. Do I need to explain further? 1997 enter Gordon Brown and Tony Blair again with a new deal for you the public. Well they have been very busy at it again with another New deal coming out of the Club of Rome in partnership with The Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research.

Schismogenesis and its Application in Society

The intention of this report is to bring to your attention the term Schismogenesis, its mechanic and how the elect apply it as a weaponised instrument to control the populations. As a thing, we must defer back to an old definition of the same application and what we know as the Hegelian Dialectic, the birthing of division as a method of control and ultimately to get the desired result by playing two sides off against each other.

The saga of Julian Assange and the rise of the green machine

Raising the old networks back into the fray under the light of Assange sees the socialist’s become the Greens to re-impose the Marxist mechanic. “The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid is the race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, [they] will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals.”

Climate science verses the real facts of climate physics

Revealed, top IPCC climate scientist in the UK and USA in creating manufactured data about release of carbon dioxide through burning of fossil fuels. The ultimate source of energy for the heating of earth’s surface and atmosphere is the Sun. Out of the total solar radiation that reaches the top of atmosphere, about 49 percent reaches on the earth’s surface called insolation. 31 percent is reflected back to space while 20 percent is absorbed by atmosphere. This shows atmosphere absorbs only 20 percent of solar radiation directly while earth’s surface is the major source of energy for the heating of atmosphere.

The 2030 deception, whats really going on?

Agenda 21 has changed to Agenda 2030 which can only mean they are behind schedule by nine years. Or, is that what we are supposed to believe because its a strategy to keep the truth seekers off the real timeline and the ultimate objective? Numbers folks, or more specifically numerology and cycles…what see ye, well… there is a Biblical cycle of 490 years or 70×7=490. Did you know that? 

Upping migration through weather modification, welcome to the environmental migrant

When you control war and geoengineering refugees are many, you then use that body of legal people to subvert nations by giving them your wealth. If one thing is now very clear… the corrupt wars started after 911 have expanded the United Nations migration agenda, to the point, no nation has enough of its natives to regroup and re-enforce their own national laws and rebirth their nations. In order the banking cartel can keep this agenda on track, it has to invent  new methods of forcing populations to move from their homeland, welcome to the latest game for the legal slaves now called ‘environmentally displaced people’