The geographical name for these isles is the British Isles. Almost all other titles by which you know the land are titles given as an occupied land. Insight into the JSP 383, The Joint Service Manuel Of The Law Of Armed Conflict.
Category: China
The Russian Collector of the Secret Service, Pandemic is a Lie, Psycho Info War and Special Operation in Progress
Colonel Vladimir Kwachkov claims there is no pandemic. Panic around the virus is an operation of global powers : religious, political, financial, economic and national. The pandemic, which does not exist, is a global strategic special operation. It is a command-and-control exercise behind the scenes, with the goal of gaining full control of humanity. This is the background for the appearance of coronaviruses. The backstage world, especially the financial one, aims to reduce the population on earth. According to them, there are too many of us on the planet. There should be about one hundred million and more servants, a maximum of about one billion on earth.
Climate science verses the real facts of climate physics
Revealed, top IPCC climate scientist in the UK and USA in creating manufactured data about release of carbon dioxide through burning of fossil fuels. The ultimate source of energy for the heating of earth’s surface and atmosphere is the Sun. Out of the total solar radiation that reaches the top of atmosphere, about 49 percent reaches on the earth’s surface called insolation. 31 percent is reflected back to space while 20 percent is absorbed by atmosphere. This shows atmosphere absorbs only 20 percent of solar radiation directly while earth’s surface is the major source of energy for the heating of atmosphere.
Was the coronavirus telegraphed in 1914 by Jack London?
Is the Coronavirus another Bolshevik play to form a diaspora for the Chinese people to demolish the idea of nations for world domination? Author Jack London was a Californian Communist and member of Bohemian Grove, and was a leading light in the promotion of the future ideology of multiculturalism. In 1910 he prophesied that China would rise as an economic power, utilising Chinese labour and western machinery production.
Rome’s British East India Company
The British Crown operating as a branch of Rome’s modern empire controls much of the East through its former empire and East India Company. Jesuits established themselves in Asia in the 16th century. The British Crown and France made war on China forcing them to open their ports and allow their merchants to do business internally.
Coronavirus isolated from humans, patent timeline
On Lucifer…Whats it all about?
Selling military secrets
Has Jesuit Pope Francis Handed the Vatican to Bolshevik Atheist Communist China?
The first Chinese Catholic bishop was ordained with the blessing of both Pope Francis and the Chinese government under a new deal between Beijing and the Vatican. Monsignor Antonio Yao Shun received the papal mandate and was consecrated as the bishop of Jining, in Inner Mongolia, at a ceremony Monday 26 August, according to Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni on Tuesday.
Barack Obama Tapi and the 911 Timeline
So, China is not a part of the NWO? Here is a timeline of the plan to fuel China for the next hundred years, 911 is a bigger story than you think. Barakzai dynasty (Translation of Barakzai: sons of Barak) ruled Afghanistan. Barakzai is a common ethnic name among the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan, meaning “son of Barak” in the Pashto language. Barakzai may also be the name of a Baloch tribe in Iran. There are seven distinct Pashtun tribes named Barakzai, with the Zīrak branch of the Abdal Tareen, Bor Tareen, Tareen. The Durrani is being the most important and largest tribe with over 4 million people.