Category: British Law

Abortion is Not a Christian Doctrine, Source Document

Today, there are those who believe abortion is nothing to be concerned about, my body my choice, they cry, as they move to murder their offspring inside the womb. The first two parts of this mantra are correct, it is your body and you always have choice, but such a shallow degenerate idiom is born of a lowly spirit, a spirit that cannot see beyond its own image.

Moving assets to the Vatican bank, What it means

Pope’s admission of genocide demands all assets move to the Vatican bank to secure the debt to China levied against the western nations and person. Under the terms of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should it be known that genocide has occurred, then those responsible, either as individuals or as officers of the institution or corporation must be prosecuted and punished. Another act that can be brought against the perpetrator is to seize all assets under the “avails of crime’ statutes.

The etymology of the English word man

The word “human” is not related to man; it’s a complete coincidence that one contains the other because human comes from the Latin homanus, which was derived from homo, meaning same. Plural men (German Männer) shows effects of i-mutation. Sometimes connected to root men- “to think” (see mind), which would make the ground sense of man “one who has intelligence.

Statutory Declaration, You are Essential

The demented are moving to divide the populations into vaccinated and not, one of the big methods to this endeavour is to determine who is essential and who is not. This of course will play out in shops, fuel stations, food outlets and other corporate animal farms. The following document is a good method of declaring your status before they do.

Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890

Here is the jurisdiction of war, it can be said to be the realm of Martial Law because it is tied to currencies which are always at war with each other. An Act to amend the Law respecting the exercise of Admiralty Jurisdiction in Her Majesty’s Dominions and elsewhere out of the United Kingdom. [25th July 1890]

Magistrates Court Act 1980

All sections of the Magistrates Court Act 1980, including, Criminal Jurisdiction and Procedure, Remand for Medical Examination, Hearing of Complaint, Powers in Respect of Offenders, Summons, Enforcement, Evidence, Appeal and Case Stated, Remand, Offences, etc.