Category: Black Ops

Civil Unrest and Readying for Conscription for WWIII

lifeinthemix livestream from 28 April 2024. Topics discussed: The Mongols Need You Via the Khazars, Get Ready For Signs of Conscription. Australia gets a warning.Canada QR codes to leave the city.90.000 NATO troops on exercise in Eastern Europe.Ireland Martial law.Trump as King Cyrus.Dip into MKUltra.Grounding the Avatar.Destroying the Eyes.Face recognition at the Asda.Alex Jones.David Cameron’s Read More …

Ten Year Plan

Debase the immunity with infant vaccinations, call down a fake pandemic to install infectious pathologies giving ten years of medical control while installing the corporate grid of the NWO

What Controls the British Army?

That by the law of this Kingdome no papist can be King or Queen of this realme nor bear any office whatsomever therin nor can any protestant successor exercise the regall power untill he or she swear the Coronation Oath.
Claim of Right Act 1689 1689 CHAPTER 28

Abortion is Not a Christian Doctrine, Source Document

Today, there are those who believe abortion is nothing to be concerned about, my body my choice, they cry, as they move to murder their offspring inside the womb. The first two parts of this mantra are correct, it is your body and you always have choice, but such a shallow degenerate idiom is born of a lowly spirit, a spirit that cannot see beyond its own image.

Club of Rome : Planetary Emergency Plan. Another New Deal

1933 – Hitler entered power on a new deal in Germany. In the United States Roosevelt pulled in his new deal also. Do I need to explain further? 1997 enter Gordon Brown and Tony Blair again with a new deal for you the public. Well they have been very busy at it again with another New deal coming out of the Club of Rome in partnership with The Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research.

Epstein, the 1953 Trust, the Clinton Foundation and a supreme deception?

Could it be that Jeffrey Epstein created a Trust, a Trust called the 1953 Trust, to hold his assets that after his supposed death, he could continue to utilise the ill gotten gains without any further attachment to his person?.
He did of course, encourage Bill Clinton, while governor of ARK-ansas, to birth the Clinton Foundation to which Epstein payed a yearly donation.
Hillary Clinton announced that her charity had taken control of a new trust called “The 1953 Trust”.

How the Autism Feedback Loop is Transmitted From Person to Person

Understanding what autism is will help you to understand how we all have traits of what autism is, that we can pass this on to others by our own patterns of behaviour. It also expands the real reason they are using the idea of pandemic to push the populations into an autistic feedback loop and to stifle all interaction in existence outside the constant battering from the political class and the media.

Patent Proves Vaccine is an Obedience Training Platform

The end game of the pandemic is to have you connected to an electronic control grid via a portion of the contents of the Covid vaccine. The grid is set to become the method from which your entire day to day actions become a file that the A.I. will determine how well you act in accordance with any given form of laws at any given time. What this boils down too is an obedience system fully controlled by A.I. and administered via government agencies. Dependant upon what information is held in the database, which is changeable dependant on your behaviours at any given time, will be the ruling factor and thus  determine what strength of noxious vaccine content you are to receive as a booster, based entirely upon your behaviour as collected through the apps they insist you download.