5 November 2018
The robbers of Hyndburn
Note, this report will be updated as the process moves forward.
Try shifting your minds back to 1980s and the Council spin offered up to the public, that if the taxpayer allows the Arndale Centre to go ahead, the free parking enjoyed on the huge car park it was to be built on, would remain free to the people of Accrington forever, as defined by contract. This contract has been broken by those holding the Legal Title to the land upon which the Arndale Centre is built, and, the ever deceptive Council for covering the fact.
The Arndale itself is run by Zain Kiyani
My initial conversations with folks that would know presented an idea that even though the promise of free parking was made to the public, the council did not sign off on the contract. That of course appears not to be correct as we can see from a local news report from early 2016 :
Civic figures are questioning whether the town’s Arndale Centre is allowed to charge for parking at all because of the terms written into a lease between the centre owners and Hyndburn Council.
Cllr Peter Britcliffe, former council leader, said :
“As far as I’m aware there is a Covenant (lease) on the Arndale which prevents them from making charges for parking.
“During my years when I was leader of the council the Arndale made repeated offers to buy this out which I always turned down on the basis that we’d always maintained there would be no car parking charges in Accrington town centre.”
“Accrington town centre is struggling as it is.”
Hyndburn Council leader, Cllr Miles Parkinson, said :
“the centre was not allowed to start charging for parking until it had demonstrated to the council to “reasonable satisfaction” that all or part of the car park is not required for short term parking for the Arndale and Accrington town centre.” He said :
“All I can say is that the Arndale has done this unilaterally and not approached the council. They need to contact the council or look again at the lease if they want to change it.”
Source as PDF
As you can see, charging for parking on the Arndale car park is a breech of contract that was formed by the opinion of the public, yet, here we can see today’s Labour leader, Miles Parkinson, deciding everything all by himself, or more correctly, on behalf of his handlers.
I noted today, 5 November 2018 that ES Parking Enforcement Ltd have positioned a sign on each end of Broadway making the claim that the Broadway is Private Land.
ES Parking Enforcement Ltd have caused Controversy in this action, whether it is claiming so for itself or on behalf of another.

No Bank or corporation can own land in Great Britain or any land coming under the Crown, such can only act in the role of caretaker of the land as it relates to ensuring the upkeep of the right of use by those registered to the land in a live birth record. This also applies in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
The public are the living Creditors to the Council therefore it is unlawful to limit the capacity of use of any Crown land by the Beneficiaries.
ES Parking Enforcement is owned and controlled by one Man : Kenneth Marland.
ES Parking Enforcement Ltd
Mr Ken Marland
Correspondence address : 90 Berry Lane, Longridge, Preston, Lancashire, England, PR3 3WH
Notified on : 6 April 2016
Date of birth : April 1956
Nationality : British
The Company was incorporated on 22 December 2014 with 100% of the shares owned by Mr KEN MARLAND at the above address. Link as PDF
On 14 January 2015 Mr KEN ALLEN Marland changed the Directors name to Mr KENNETH ALLEN MARLAND. Link as PDF
On 17 July 2015 Ken Marland changed the company address from : Unit 3 Calder Avenue Longridge, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 3HT…. to…. City House 131 Friargate Preston Lancashire PR1 2E. Link as PDF
On 5 February 2016 Ken Marland placed his Tax Return. Link as PDF
The final document from 2018, available, presents a company unchanged other than the name and address changes above. Link as PDF
These are perhaps the important documents to be seen but of course there are others that you can view here
5 November 2018 I sent an email to the Council demanding the name of the Man or Woman that signed off the contract with ES parking Enforcement Ltd and received the auto response to let me know they have received the email.
Longridge has a history when it comes to undermining the North. There appears to be headquartered a high end power network tied into the previous Duke of Westminster. I encountered this network while studying the machinations surrounding the Earl of Derby’s estate in the Trough of Bowland around ten years ago, which included Sir Peter Blaker KCMG MP. There also appeared to be very dark games playing out against the man in the adjoining estate, that man is football tycoon, Owen Oysten.
Further Study
In Profile : Barnfield Construction Limited
In Profile : Sir Peter Blaker KCMG MP
In Profile : The Lord Bowland
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Lancashire County Council Is Owned By The Blues And Twos Credit Union Ltd