Let Notre Damn Burn

Let Notre Damn Burn










22 April 2019

We seek the truth. To be successful in this endeavour we cannot edit truths that are painful, even perhaps horrific. Unless you are of the mind Vatican II came about at a time when every Priest, Bishop, Arch Bishop and Cardinal, was pure Catholic, then you must consider that to achieve Vatican II, many centuries of soft massage and manipulation from an outside yet inside source, has been in play. We can form a demarcation line in the Carolingian reversal of the Benedictine Doctrine on the ownership of land and property, from which was born the feudal system that was swiftly implanted in England.

On the back of the works of the Franks, from 909 AD the largest abbey in Europe in Burgundy became the focal point for a complete reversal of the original Christian theology, especially as it relates to St Benedict’s laws on the ownership of property and land, as the Carolingian warrior class became the Monastic Order and what would become the Church of Rome under the Holy See.[1]

The Carolingians held an obsession in becoming the Kings of Jerusalem because of course they are Jewish. The Plantagenets were not Stuarts, they are the Counts of Anjou, the creators of the Templars who would ensure the position of King of Jerusalem became a physical entity as the secret society all seeing emperor.

In essence, the 1066 invasion was the first move to install Usurers into England, the second was facilitated through John of Gaunt and the House Stanley, which introduced our nation to the Tudors who allowed a second invasion from the Isle of Man leading to a third under Oliver Cromwell from Holland opening the door to the House of Orange.

As warlords, this would change the entire ethos of the Christian ideal, best seen in the works of King Offa, continued by King Alfred in which usury was banned on pain of being classed as an outlaw with all property and possessions forfeit. Under King Alfred, sanctioned by the Popes pre 909, freedom and autonomy of thought and action were seen as essential values rooted in what they called kinship, today we call family and onto nation. This platform would be sanctioned again by Thomas Aquinas after the feudal system had bedded in.

Until Alfred, the Danes had usurped the old Saxon system, right down to the removal of the Moot, they replaced this with fealty to the Sword Danes, this had to change if England was to learn that peace was the greatest endeavour to pursue for a cohesive nation to be born.

In his move to attain a nation Alfred became known as a law-giver, but he did more in the way of collecting and codifying the laws of the kings who were before him than in issuing new ordinances of his own, he made everything clear and orderly, the succeeding generations used to speak of the “laws of Alfred,” when they meant the ancient statutes and customs of the realm. In Alfred we have a distinct insight of what a couple of centuries of Christian England was all about, it was inclusive of the Saxon idea of organised governance and not as would follow after 1066, of an England being ruled.

Both Kings and Chieftains were bound by the rule of law as they were duty bound to keep in place the ancestral foundations of culture. A king who betrayed his tribal ethos, could and would be overthrown by the noble warrior class.

Today the world is controlled through the Central banking system under Basel III. We can perhaps gain insight as to where this system of dictatorial powers has root if we consider, with a small change of letter,  who was Basil I and Basil II?

Basil I was a wrestler who killed Caesar Bardas in 865 the named successor to Michael III (the drunkard) this brought Michael and Basel close from which Basil married one of Michaels closest mistresses. In 866 Basil was named Caesar and promptly murdered Michael and became emperor himself in 867. Basil I was the founder of the Macedonian dynasty in Byzantium. The Macedonian’s favoured the peasantry as landowners as opposed to the aristocratic and therefore huge landowners known as the Dynatoi, this was due to the lack of taxes procured by the State when the big landowners held power, basically they did not want to pay taxes, by ensuring the peasants owned their own land, more taxes were secured for the State.

We must also consider the Byzantine connection under Basil II,  another Macedonian who had at his command a borrowed Viking Varangian Guard, gained from the conversion of Vladimir the Great in 988 who had formed the Scandinavian’s to his service as a mercenary force. One of the most famous warriors and leaders of the Varangians was Harald Hardrada who spent a decade in the service of his emperor. Besides many other adventures, he and his fellow Varangians fought alongside the great Byzantine general George Maniakes in Sicily in 1038 CE, capturing both Messina and Syracuse. Exiled under suspicion of plotting an uprising in 1042 CE, Harald fled to Kiev and then returned to Norway where he reigned as King Harald III between 1046 and 1066 CE. Harald, championing his own claim to the English throne, fought and died at the battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066 CE against his namesake, the English king Harold Godwinson.[2]

Basil’s defeat at Trajan’s Gate encouraged two rebellions back home led by Bardas Skleros and Bardas Phokas respectively. Bardas Phokas even declared himself emperor in 987 CE. Basil, fortunately, could call on the help of Vladimir I of Kiev (r. 980-1015 CE), whose force of 6,000 Vikings bolstered his naval force and assured that the emperor restored order by 989 CE.

We can therefore see a huge shift in the politics of the Church due entirely to the changes being brought about in Byzantium from the rule of Justinian II, the Emperor who changed the cannon to serve enslavement via Corpus Christi, the body of the crucified Christ as opposed to his living self and through the resurrection back to life.

Under Leo VI the wise, (said to be the son of Michael III) all new canons would be written in Greek and not in the Latin, this would become the backdrop to all Byzantine government law.

We must also take on board the fact that after the reign of Basil II, the last Macedonian emperor, the big landowner aristocracy, the Dynatoi, backed by the military aristocracy moved against the civil aristocracy which favoured the Macedonian taxation system, and the protection of the peasant landowner. Thus as was playing out in Western Rome was also playing out in Eastern Rome, both succumbing to the feudal landowner system backed and enforced by the military establishment. This ended the Thematic system and birthed the system of Pronoia, or, Gift and Grant, known in the West as Feudalism. Is it any wonder from this platform shift would be birthed the 1054 Schism and the rise of the Komnene in Alexios I Comnenus, (1081-1118 the military aristocrat who would do a deal with the Venetian’s to secure their navy, the consequences of which would destroy the sovereignty of the Byzantine merchant class and place Byzantium into the hands of the military class and ripe for Crusade?

The Schism can be brought down to a battle between the Greek and the Latin.

With the rise of Dunstan, England began to feel the shift in Monastic theology being carried out in Burgundy and being thrust upon Byzantium, Dunstan’s policy had two sides : he used his secular powers to enforce his religious views, and everywhere he and his friends began reforming the monasteries by forcing them to adopt the Benedictine rule. They expelled the secular canons, many of whom were married men, from the cathedrals, and replaced them with monks. They also dealt severely with the custom of lay persons receiving church preferment, one of the commonest abuses of the time.

In essence, pre 1066 invasion, England operated under a system that supported autonomy for each man which can be seen to be the early form of what we call today, Capitalism. That it was the right for all Englishmen to trade, exchange and barter based on ones own particular skills.

The religion of the pre-Christian old English, Christianity beginning in 597, was pure polytheistic, worshipping the ancient gods of their German ancestors, Woden, the wise father of heaven,  Thunder (Thor), the god of storm and strength, and Balder, the god of youth and spring, in essence they were of the Nordic pantheon which can be said to be of the Greek.

The ploughed fields and the pasture grounds of the village were both great unenclosed tracts with no permanent boundaries. Every man owned his house and yard, but the pasture and the waste land and woods around belonged to the community, and not to the individual. All property by the Crown was held in common.

Rights of the individual were formed with an underlying grasp that your rights did not allow for the removal of the rights of another and became the idea of the high commons to which all had to obey. As an example, hunting grounds were held in common by the community in order those at the status of Freeman had the right to feed his family from the bounty on the land, that the high commons ensured this right to ensure all peoples could support their families in the basic needs to good health.

Land in general was therefore not owned by an individual, it was there for the use of all within the kingdom and the rules and laws that kept this realm together was enforced by the King. However one could own his particular piece of land to build a home, just as long as it did not encroach upon the lands held in common for the good of all. This is the origin of the common lands still remaining today, although the corporate councils under command of the Crown are busy nicking all the land unto the Holy See’s legal instrument, the Crown Corporation.

In essence before the Norman invasion of 1066, which was the new form of Roman Christianity, England was based in the Germanic idea of Christendom which still incorporated what Rome classes as Paganism. We remained in full knowledge of nature and her spirits allowing for a balance between man and the land, in the same way the native American’s lived and understood reality. 

The Norman conquest was in fact a new breed of Christian based entirely on usury and land ownership by the Church of Rome after the reversal of the Benedictine doctrine and uprooting of the original concept of the common land, the common law , etc. Rome had changed under the Carolingian takeover of the Monastic system and become a platform for global takeover. It was also the start of the idea of the Divine Right to Rule. With the current Pope we can see how such afforded infallibility will completely destroy Christendom as a political system, unless the Catholics can remove the Church from the grip of the secret societies now in full control of the Vatican system. This would appear to be impossible given that with the installation of Vatican II, all the Catholics left the Church, and rightly so.

When the Normans invaded England, it was not simply a change of leadership regime, it was a complete paradigm shift for Christianity as a whole. The Normans were the military arm of the new and feudal Church setting itself up in Rome as the monasteries would take a back seat when the Vatican was constructed, the end result of the inclusion of land ownership and usury brought about by a shift from holy priest to warrior monk to fill the coffers of a Jewish enterprise that would become the Holy See. In order not to awaken the populations to what was really going on, the Holy See right up until Vatican II, was kept in a manner that would be acceptable to the flocks allowing the Holy See to act contrary to Christian doctrine in the shadows.

The Normans were strictly inline with the new creed that would become the Church of Rome which was in direct contradiction to the original Germanic and English Christianity, which until 909 included Rome the Church, therefore the platform was also of Rome. King Alfred had been sanctioned by the Pope as a child, he was therefore in tune with the Church when he furthered the denial of Usury, yet from 909 the Clergy began to allow Usury up to 2.6%, if that is not evidence that a change occurred, then you are editing reality to serve a belief.

The new creed or theology was in contradiction to the then clergy who were more inline with the worldview of the common folk, this would change and during the twelve century doctrine would become a more complex theology in order they could create a gap between the church and the people, following the new and feudal system favoured by the Holy See. From this point hierarchy was the entire script for the Church raising a new entity over Christendom that would ultimately serve the moneylenders. Robin Hood is a great example of this shift and how it was in no way for the benefit of the people or the clergy, but for the sole enrichment of the financiers, or Mammon.

By the time of the Middle Ages, the Church had an established hierarchy :

Pope – the head of the Church
Cardinals – advisors to the Pope; administrators of the Church
Bishops/Archbishops – ecclesiastical superiors over a cathedral or region
Priests – ecclesiastical authorities over a parish, village, or town church
Monastic Orders – religious adherents in monasteries supervised by an abbot/abbess.

The heretical sects of the Middle Ages were uniformly responses to the clear corruption and greed of the Church, born of the reversal of the Benedictine doctrine on land ownership. The immense wealth of the Church, accrued through tithes and lavish gifts, only inspired a desire for even greater wealth which translated as power. An archbishop could, and frequently did, threaten a noble, a town, or even a monastery with excommunication – by which one was exiled from the Church and so from the grace of God and trade with fellow citizens – for any reason. The Church was introducing the realm of Caesar and Commerce over trade.

The priests were notoriously corrupt and, in many cases, illiterate parasites who only held their position due to family influence and favour. Scholar G. G. Coulton cites a letter of 1281 CE in which the writer warns how “the ignorance of the priests precipitates the people into the ditch of error” (259) and later cites the correspondence of one Bishop Guillaume le Marie de Angers, who writes:

The Priesthood includes innumerable contemptible persons of abject life, utterly unworthy in learning and morals, from whose execrable lives and pernicious ignorance infinite scandals arise, the Church sacraments are despised by the laity, and in very many districts the lay folk hold the priests as [vile]. 

The Normans brought with them virulent economic changes.

South African writer Stephen Goodson in an article for the Barnes Review, The Hidden Origins of the Bank of England, said :

From AD 757 to his death in 791, the great King Offa ruled the kingdom of Mercia, one of the seven autonomous kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon heptarchy. Offa was a wise and able administrator and kindhearted leader, though he could be hard on his enemies. He established the first monetary system in England (as distinguished from the Roman-Keltic Britain.)

On account of the scarcity of gold, he used silver for coinage and as a store of wealth with a pound of silver being broken up into 240 pennies, the pennies were stamped with a star, old English Stearra, and the origin of the term Sterling. In 787 Offa introduced a statute prohibiting usury, the charging of interest on money lent. The laws against usury were further entrenched by King Alfred 865-99, who directed that the property of usurers be forfeited, while in 1050 Edward the Confessor, 1042-66, directed that not only for forfeiture but that the usurer be declared an outlaw and banished for life.

From this we can better understand who Edward I of England actually was, he expelled the Jews and moneylenders and began to annex the Templar filled Scotland and the Jewish Kings of Man in Wales. Was he attempting to move England back to the original Anglo-Saxon Christianity? Edward is a bit of a mysterious character, it is claimed he set up the Four Inns of Court in London’s Templar stronghold, then we have a further insight to possible eastern interconnect and reasons for supposing that he was really initiated in Eastern occult ideas. He made Crusade to Palestine. He invited to England, Guido dalla Colonna, the author of the Troy-book Tale of Troy; and he also invited Raymond Lully into his kingdom. Raymond Lully is affirmed to have supplied to Edward six million in money, to enable him to carry on war against the Turks. The origin of the rose-nobles is from the Rosicrucians.

The Edict of Expulsion was a royal decree issued by King Edward I of England on 18 July 1290 expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England. … Jewish backed Oliver Cromwell reversed the edict.

The Jews arrived in England under command of William the Bastard (conquerer) in 1066 in the wake of his defeat of King Harold II at Hastings on October 14. These Jews came from Rouen, 75 miles from Falaise, where William was born illegitimately. Historical records show that the Jews financed the entire invasion and were thus given the rights to practice usury under royal protection.

The consequences for the English meant that annual charge of interest for lands mortgaged by Nobles was at 33% and 300% per annum on tools of trade or chattels pledged by workmen. The consequence of this usury meant that within only two generations one quarter of all English land was in the hands of the usurers.

The importation of the Jews allowed for the old system of trade and barter as payment for the good of the community to a situation of taxation paid in coin. The Jews also enabled a credit system between William’s newly acquired lands in England with those in France, completely unhindered by the old English laws on usury, the Jews would settle in towns were there was a significant mint. This positioned the Jews as the sole moneylenders in England and the birth of the Templars as the usury enforcers for Rome.

The main opposition to this usury came from the Viking North of England which suggests that the Normans as Vikings is a load of horse shit. They were Jews who had become the masters of the Normans and huge swathes of France. This prompted the genocide of the North in what is called the Harrying of the North.

Let Notre Damn BurnLet Notre Damn Burn










On the left is an image of the Cabalistic Tree of Life, on the right is the ceiling in the Gothic Cathedral at Gloucester. 

To secure their usury networks the Normans built castles and Gothic style churches and Cathedrals to dominate the English mind, this explains why I have never liked the gothic style and much prefer the old English churches existent all over the nation. Not forgetting the Templar-Muslim Pact of 1150 as the oldest pact in the world, we can better understand why Islam is claimed by the Rabbis to be the broom of Israel.

So Notre damn and all that is gothic, can burn all day as far as I am concerned.

What we are experiencing in the today is a shift from the Vatican Canon and therefore the law of Man and Land, into the jurisdiction, Offshore and thus the Sea. This hands the entire platform of Rome into the Houses making up the Holy See. Cosimo would be proud….

Immigration is a means to keep up the fraudulent Legal Title derived from the Birth Certificate to usurp the Credit Account evidenced in the Live Birth Record. A shift from Land and the Canon (Vatican) to the offshore and Sea, Admiralty and Maritime jurisdiction, Holy See.

Truth is no longer available to the masses in this time now, as to what is fact and what is fiction as relates to the history of the Church of Rome, it is a mystery indeed. The message of Christ does not belong to any institution alone, it is a message of how to live in the light of the message of Christ, something missing from the last one thousand years or we would not be in the position we find ourselves today. The Sin of the last millennium is born of the idea of Crusade, breaching the protection of the Holy Spirit, leading to war after war after war. It is not an institution that is to blame, it is born of the fact, men in high places sanctify war of conquest which is contrary to the message of Christ.

[1] Sword Mitre and Cloister, Nobility and the Church in Burgundy, 980-1198, Constance Brittain Bouchard, 1987.
[2] Basil II
Varangian Guard
Norwegian king Harald Hardrada

Further Study
The Jews Were the Slavers
In Profile : The Aldobrandini, Lucifer And Its Servants
Historical Fact Shows That Judaism Is An Inversion Of The Hebrew Tradition
In Profile : Rome To Templars To Freemasonry, We Face The Same Enemy
Rome Controls The New Order : UNIDROIT The Legal Deception
In Profile : The Society Of Jesus
In Profile : How And Why British Freemasonry Changed Allowing The Mafia Monarchy To Reign Over Us
How To Undue Secret Society, Political And Military Oaths Operating Fear Authority
What Is The Obsession With Ancient Egypt By The Priesthood? Seeking The Reptile

The Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
Edward I