23 April 2020
On this day commemorating St George
The following body of words do make up your Notice to the woman holding the office of monarch and all Crown agents and officers subordinate in respect of the encroachment being carried out by all Crown agents and officers under command of the Crown Corporation, Throned Crown and Corporation Sole, Her Majesties Government.
To involve the common law and all rights afforded by the Biblical text you use only your first name, uncapitalised in order you do not decapitate your manhood to be clear you are presenting your man/womanhood in law as derived from the word of god. In the Bible there are no surnames afforded to the characters on which the Bible is based, you must follow that format to remain within its jurisdiction. Remember, in all courts there resides only one book, the Bible. It is up to you to invoke that jurisdiction.
Biblical law has a clear hierarchy which operates thus :
Only the father need head the notice of liability as the head of the family unit, as is the fact, the following notice is clear that you are giving notice on behalf of all those declared as your property.
The notice is aimed at the woman claiming to be the head of state and the holder of the office of monarch and all subordinate agents and officers, this covers the entire body of claimed governance, law enforcement, military and the judiciary. It holds all those liable that have taken the oath to the fiction Queen Elizabeth II, which is the Title for which the woman claimed to be the head of state presents as holding the office of British monarch.
Below is the body of words to be delivered to the courts, your local police station, and or your council office, you do this by hand to remove any and all machinations carried out by the Royal Mail. I would also suggest you copy it and place one on your front door and carry a copy around with you if you interact with any crown officers or agents.
In so doing you have presented the facts to those liable which includes all subordinate agents and officers of the Crown.
The first copy of the notice includes my name for example only, the second notice below the first is for you to copy, in which I will leave blank the space for your first name. Do not sign the document or use joined up writing, that is cursive and classed as the language of the dead. You autograph your name to declare your self the autonomous man under god. Do not include your last or family name.
Example Copy :
Take Notice
Your Address :
Date :
I hereby put you on notice Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, or as is also made known to the realm, Alexandra Elizabeth Mary, as the claimed holder of the Office of British monarch, and all your claimed offspring and subordinates including Charles Philip Arthur George, the holder of the Title the Prince of Wales and William Arthur Philip Louis, holder of the Title The Duke of Cambridge, including any and all derivatives of such names as liable for the following encroachment against the common law of the land, not to be mistaken for the English Common Law.
I sean, a flesh and blood man as derived from the word of god, hereby put you on notice for the liability of limiting my capacity to trade and for demanding I stand under house arrest.
It is your intent to enforce medical interventions through your subordinate officers and agents upon I which is an unlawful burden for which you are also liable.
In respect of the above you are clearly making an encroachment upon the territory, rights, an intrusion into, an invasion of, infiltration of, all afforded rights as derived from the word of god, which is a clear trespass upon I and my property which includes my conjugal partner and mother to my offspring, each of which are my property.
You have and continue to make a gradual advance beyond the usual and acceptable limits.
The only acceptable remedy is to cease in all matters pertaining to the above breech of encroachment.
The history behind encroach is likely to hook you in. First appearing in English in the 16th century, the word derives from the Middle English encrochen, which means to get or seize.
Source Merriam-Webster.
All words are to be understood in their original definition as defined in law and outside any and all Legal definitions decreed by the Law Society.
End of Example
The Notice you copy allowing you to insert your name :
Take Notice
Address :
Date :
I hereby put you on notice Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, or as is also made known to the realm, Alexandra Elizabeth Mary, as the claimed holder of the Office of British monarch, and all your claimed offspring and subordinates including Charles Philip Arthur George, the holder of the Title the Prince of Wales and William Arthur Philip Louis, holder of the Title The Duke of Cambridge, including any and all derivatives of such names as liable for the following encroachment against the common law of the land, not to be mistaken for the English Common Law.
I a flesh and blood man as derived from the word of god, hereby put you on notice for the liability of limiting my capacity to trade and for demanding I stand under house arrest.
It is your intent to enforce medical interventions through your subordinate officers and agents upon I which is an unlawful burden for which you are also liable.
In respect of the above you are clearly making an encroachment upon the territory, rights, an intrusion into, an invasion of, infiltration of, all afforded rights as derived from the word of god, which is a clear trespass upon I and my property which includes my conjugal partner and mother to my offspring, each of which are my property.
You have and continue to make a gradual advance beyond the usual and acceptable limits.
The only acceptable remedy is to cease in all matters pertaining to the above breeches of encroachment.
The history behind encroach is likely to hook you in. First appearing in English in the 16th century, the word derives from the Middle English encrochen, which means to get or seize.
Source Merriam-Webster.
All words are to be understood in their original definition as defined in law and outside any and all Legal definitions decreed by the Law Society.
Lord Sumption, an unlawful act
The above information described in more detail in a video :
And on You Tube :