8 August 2019
Are we looking at the real agenda behind the 5G platform being installed across the globe?
The John Adam Street Gang is the network of companies and forums with global influence behind Trafalgar Square in London. We have also named them the ‘olympians’, led by Zeus, of the lightning bolt.
1. Michael Platt (of ARK, Absolute Return for Kids, part of the ‘John Adam St Gang’) sponsored the artist Paul Fryer. Fryer’s work includes, white Jesus Christ electrocuted titled ‘Pieta’ (The Empire Never Ended), a black Jesus Christ electrocuted, and a crucified gorilla in Holy Trinity Church, One Marylebone, London (now deconsecrated).
Paul Fryer also designed a Vacuum Tube chess set, ‘Chess Set for Tesla’ who invented scalar weapons. ‘12 Things You Should Know About Scalar Weapons’ was written by ‘Christi Verismo’, Verismo meaning ‘realism in the arts, especially late 19th-century Italian opera’. ‘Christi’ means ‘follower of Christ’. Dr.Dre plays chess, indicating a handler moving his pawn, his slaves.
The Masonic Checkerboard, which was originally white and red, denoting the upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt, is one of the most important symbols to the Illuminati, for it is used in ritualistic ceremonies. This is used because black and white is a symbol for duality, or the base of consciousness….. Dr Dre and Hip Hop
The difference between Dre and Fryer is that Fryer’s chess pieces themselves have changed; they are vacuum tubes. ‘The board of the chess set powers the vacuum tube pieces so that when unplugged the individual pieces glow for a while, struggling to keep connection with the board, and then die. Plug them back in and they reactivate’. He ‘visits some older technology that would be considered ancient to most’. Apparently only seven chess sets were made.
- Michael Platt, who funded Paul Fryer’s art work, was with the charity ARK. The Ark Academy Energy Strategy was written by AECOM, military. https://www.scribd.com/doc/22489286/002-Ark- Academy-Energy-Strategy
- Youtube video ‘Fix You’: Images from this video below: Chris Martin swings a light around his head underground (at 01.30mins). On leaving the underground, he passes Adelphi and Shell Mex House of the John Adam St Gang (02.14) and later throws a light into the audience. (at 2.48 & 02.55 mins)
5. A game called ‘Is there a God? The Addams Family (1991) (of the ‘John Adam St Gang’)? Wednesday: Pugsley, sit in the chair. Pugsley : Why?
Wednesday : So we can play a game.
Pugsley : What game?
Wednesday : [strapping him in] It’s called, “Is There a God?”
Morticia : Children, what are you doing?
Wednesday : I’m going to electrocute him.
Morticia : But we’re late for the charity auction.
Wednesday : But, Mother…
Morticia : I said no.
Pugsley : Pleeaaaase?
Morticia : Oh, all right.
6. There is a plethora of electrical companies at 1-3 Strand, London (within the John Adam St Gang).
7. Extracts from The journal of the IBEW, the ‘International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers’ March Issue 1903, mentions the masonic ‘riding the goat’, and Cairo, Egypt. Also ‘water doesn’t interest our craft’, of course, as water extinguishes fire.
p.11 ‘Brothers, each and every one should get all workmen into the union, not forgetting the helpers, as soon as eligible, so as to early instil into them union principles, that they can better be able to carry on the good work that has been begun by those who have gone before them. Every brother should make a special effort in this respect’.
p. 12 ‘Brother W. K. Lamm is “doing time” in the county jail, and Brother H. Burnetti on the outside carrying the key; so Brother Lamm will act wisely if he treats Brother Burnett with all the courtesy possible.’
p. 13 ‘Hoping that the I. B. E. W. has only begun the work that it may accomplish, and wishing one and ail every success, l am fraternally and cordially,’
p. 17 ‘I see our friend, very often roaming the streets of Cairo.’
p. 19 ‘we want to keep a line on all the floaters.’
p. 21 ‘Since my last letter we rode Brother H. M. Jennings on the goat.’
p. 22 ‘We have a committee to draft a set of by-laws,’
p. 24 ‘Everything, even to the bell boys at the hotels, are organising.’
p. 26 ‘They imposed a fine of $2 on a brother for talking to a scab, and he had a hard time to explain matters. That is right, brothers, don’t let the sheep stray from the bunch.’
p. 26 ‘But thanks for our unions, where the enlightened gather and reap the harvest of knowledge.’ p. 27‘The Shenango River has ten feet of extra water, but, of course, water doesn’t interest our craft’
p. 27 ‘We are taking in a few new and members, expect to initiate some at our next meeting, and I think they will make workers.’
p. 32 ‘Our members are doing wonderful work among the craft.’
p. 35 ‘I would like to put all locals on their guard to look out for the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, which has gangs of plant installers on the road. They started to install the electric light plant in the new Farmers Bank Building here, but we got after them and tried to persuade them to join the union, but to no avail. The only redress they had was to get off the job, which they did, and our men are now completing the work.’
p. 36 ‘We won our contention unaided, on the general principle of the evolution of our craft, or, to be more particular, the evolution of electrical conduits, coupled with the fact that armoured conduit is not quoted or handled by plumbing or gas fitting supply houses. And that the work from its inception to its completion must be under electrical supervision and finally be accepted by the fire underwriters or city electrical inspector, and at no time is it subject to gas inspection.’
p. 48 ‘We have fourteen applications, and if nothing happens they will ride the goat at the next meeting-not the applications but the applicants. When they are initiated we will have all but two or three of our craft that are in the Soo in Local 85’
p. 87 ‘A word to the brothers at home. It is noticeable at recent meetings that a great many of you who belong here do not attend. What is the reason? Do you expect your officers to do all the work and you stay outside and criticise? Don’t you suppose you presence is needed in the hall? Of course, some of you who do not attend seem to be getting news of all that transpires at the meetings, for there is someone telling tales out of school, and it won’t be well for the person who is found guilty. If you want to know anything that is going on, come up when business is in session, and keep your mouth shut when you got out; that is what you obligate yourself to do. It is only a few months since this was a very enthusiastic body of men. Why relax interest now, when you should be lending a hand to thoroughly complete the organisation?’
8. The below images and photos are from an Australian Unity care home, CEO Glenn Barnes (FRSA: Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, part of the John Adam St Gang network).
The underground fire and the mouse. Mural in care home.
Recall the English nursery rhyme : ‘Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?’ ‘I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.’ ‘Pussy cat, pussy cat what did you there?’ ‘I chased a little mouse under her chair’.
9. Mice depicted on electric switches on murals at a care home.
[1] Moses and Monotheism, Sigmund Freud
Further Study
The John Adam Street Gang
The Roots Of The Hip Hop Agenda, Islam, Paedophiles And Cults