Search Results for: technology
In Profile : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology abbreviated MIT, in our opinion, is the move into America of the pseudo science platform coming out of the Royal Society, which presents John Dee, Francis Bacon and on through Isaac Newton, as the blueprint from which the title ,The New Atlantis, would be achieved and thrust upon the American landmass. If you want to fully understand the battle in financial terms between the House Rothschild and the English American, then the forced implementation of the Federal Reserve is but a part of the overall agenda as the Temple Crown made its new home in America and called itself The United States of America.
Medication, Nanotechnology Encodes Pills With Tracking Data
The Real Star Wars – imagine the faked up space station to be symbolic of the mad scientist’s invading your body with frequency wizardry and nanotechnology. Nanotechnology allows scientists to manipulate individual atoms and molecules to create unique materials and even micro-scale devices, and this is leading to a wide range of applications in clothing, textiles, electronics and even food and medicine.
Translations on USSR science and technology biomedical sciences
Programming change is about the destruction of the family, Psychotropics, Music and technology
What began in the 19th century culminating in what they term ‘Theosophy’, to undermine the social structures of the nations, launching sex magic and the age of the cult, followed by a World War and the degrading of western society in the creation of an underworld, introducing Jazz and debauchery within the upper classes, through the twenties and thirties, launching the occult intelligence fraternity, the feminist movement and a Second World War.
Psychotronic technology investigator found strangled
Sarah Kershaw was found asphyxiated on Monday. Speculation is rife that she found new information and was killed by military intelligence. In Britain we have the Behavioural Insights Team to ensure the Brits go along with the corporate show, oblivious as the masses are to the manipulation of their minds to purchase goods they do not need, and to agree that governments really do run the nation and so they must vote to make that difference, here is the kind of information she presented
Technology sharing between the United States and Russia
Anthony Sutton explains the connection between the United States and Russia at the level of technology sharing, especially for military applications. He also speaks at length about the funding circle that brought to power Hitler and the Third Reich. Though not covered in the following video the United States population carve up at the start of the Second World War had over 50% of German heritage.
Insight Military family, The Descendants of John Pease
9 January 2024 Edward Pease above was a founding member of the Fabian Society which shows that the Quakers are in fact another subversive strain of Zionised theology, big in banking and also the military. Examination of an old school Quaker military family by the name of Pease. Interesting points of note are the females Read More …
Australian Parliament Register of Interests
UK Sahara Sand in the Rain is Not Sand
19 September 2023 On Thursday, 7 September 2023, at around 7.30 am, while enjoying a beverage in the car a strange and unnerving brown mist descended upon the area. This was in a week of extreme hot and humid weather after some 50 days of inclement and cool weather for the time of year yet Read More …