Parity on contract human rights laws allowing a merge with mental health in UK for mandatory vaccination

You just cannot make this stuff up. Not content with the harrying of the global population in lockdown and muzzle, no, the priesthood has sent out its will through four sinister characters in a paper sent into the UK parliament which argues that a move to the acceptance of a mandatory vaccination program across the population, would not be in breach of either English Common Laws on rights nor those within the European Convention on Human Rights. The only mechanic that needs to be employed is to merge the Mental Health body of contractual laws as relates to the sectioning and enforced medical interference, with the latter laws on human rights and the rights of an Englishman.

Mental Health, Transgenderism and Endocrine Disruptors

The latter end of the 1940s presents a platform from which everything learned during two world wars would be converted into the means to coerce and control the devastated populations. The concentration camps are well enough understood to have been medical and scientific laboratories, from which the knowledge of the human biological system, chemical and electrical, would be collected and correlated in order they could use such knowledge against the populations to shift human behaviour away from natural law and into a more acceptable corporate vision for the future of mankind.

Why you must keep out of the realm of mental health, calls for euthanasia for the mentally ill

So what is the next level agenda when it comes to the corporate state dissecting your life to determine the best way they can satisfy the climate change legislation whilst making the largest amount of profit on your dilemma, a dilemma brought to your door by the same kind of people that told you to go for the mentally ill label? There following information should help you see where your life is going if you have fallen for the easy route of existence, with the corporate state as your overlord. Hastings Center fellow Bonnie Steinbock, suggests assisted death for psychiatric cases is the logical consequence of current euthanasia legislation

Building Public Health England, its all about behaviour change

Beloved of the Neuberger’s, one heading the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, Julia Neuberger, the other, David Neuberger heading the Supreme Court. The former heads behaviour change in the Lords, the latter ensures Supreme Court policy concurs. What on earth could they have been be up too back in 2013, could it be about changing the way you behave, specifically to medical instruction, to have you stay indoors at command, that you distance yourself from all others outside the family, and upon command from a talking head on the TV, you must take a medical procedure that as an extra kick, the benevolent authorities will insert into your biological system, the means to ID you as Person within the brand new electromagnetic system being set up all around you and of course, in your homes? Graphene Hydroxide anyone?

Mental illness formed in the lab, China cloning monkeys for future human customers

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neuroscience cloned five monkey babies with genes edited to cause mental disorders. The Chinese scientists tinkered with a specific gene in the original donor monkey to produce the unhealthy animals which they say will help medical research. The gene is BMAL1, which helps regulate the circadian rhythm but scientists made it inoperative using a gene-editing tool, known as CRISPR. With the gene turned off, the animals are at greater risk of developing sleeping problems, hormonal disorders and a host of diseases

Privatised Health is a military theatre, what will become of the National Health Service?

In 2011 American Defence Contractors became the service providers for Obamacare. They are moving to become the National Health Service itself. In 2011 Lockheed Martin carried out the 2011 Census in the United Kingdom in which Brits were told they must hand over a shed load of personal information to a private American military contractor. The internet is not the only way they have collected your data.

What the Media is not telling you about the National Health Service

The Yanks are coming with insurance corps, they are moving to takeover the National Health Service, your NHS. Optum and Kieser Perminenta. It is because the health service remains free at the point of need that hides the reality of what is going on with the NHS to the patients, but of course when the NHS is fully in the hands of the insurance corporations is when the point of need will require a payment. As the costs rise it is then that the US insurance corporations will get their return in the forced need for medical insurance.

Death camp statistics : the corporate National Health Service

I was searching for the figures as relate to the opium consumption by the NHS, because as the media is apt to focus on opium in the form of heroin, which immediately fixes all minds to the underworld and drug dealers, they never ever speak of the opium consumption straight out of Afghanistan and straight into the medical mafia paws. A rather threatening bit of data as it relates to mental health given the corporate state promotes through every available orifice, its importance, we find that 58,399 people were detained under the Mental Health Act in 2014/15. Looks a little like the concentration camp scoop up mentality in full swing, just out of sight.. All the same as I continue my search for opium use by the NHS I offer you this super insight into the death camp network that is the British National Health Service.

Medicating for the slave mentality : society of behavioural medicine

Human behaviour is a major determinant of health. Factors that influence health related behaviours and people’s adaptive responses to disease and illness are becoming better understood. This understanding is leading to behaviourally based interventions targeted at the level of the individual and at service delivery, with impacts on both. Yet there is much more to do. In the United Kingdom the Society of Behavioural Medicine has been set up to promote research into and the use of well founded behavioural interventions.