History : Finance

  Finance   What Is The Crown Temple?         The British monarch is not the Crown, the office of monarch is the head of state and exists in the fiction. The Crown is the bankers and attorneys who are the priestcraft or wizards that administer the will of the Templar Crown which Read More …

Rothschild/Sassoon Control China?

27 December 2023 Insight into the banking moves carried out by the House Rothschild and red China. Quotes : The thesis focuses on banking, finance and other interactions between the Rothschild dynasty and various actors from the People’s Republic of China. The potential discrep- ancy between capitalist and communist ideology is observed through the rational Read More …

Inner City Temple Bar

The City of London has an interesting and sinister name, ‘the invisible empire’.
Things are not as they appear when one takes a look at the real power brokers that made and make up the Inner City of London, Temple Bar and the City Corporation.

Noam Chomsky meets Epstein; “none of your business”

Noam Chomsky, a mind behind a plethora of scripts, some making up the backdrop to the Q network data, albeit coming through the likes of Benjamin Fulford, met with Epstein and other strange people. Chomsky the academic, taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for many years to which Jeffrey Epstein publicly donated some $850.000 between 2002 and 2017.

Brief History of Belgium

The land which eventually became the state of Belgium has mainly been a battleground between Catholic and Liberal-Protestant interests. Over the centuries and decades, this land subsequently belonged to the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs, Napoleon’s France and since 1815, the Netherlands. In 1830, mainly the Catholic middle and upper class living in the southern provinces of the United Netherlands had become so fed up with their lack of self-determination that they staged a revolution. It succeeded and the state of Belgium was born. Families like de Merode and De Ligne were initially offered the throne, but they refused and the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas came in.

Roman Tribunal of False Judgement Pushing Noahide

Meet Baroness Brenda Hale of Richmond is the UKs President of the Supreme Court. Hale is the Noahide plant that stopped Boris Johnson proroguing parliament to remove us from Europe. Hale is a member of the Roman Rota is the highest tribunal of judgement over society. They are selected priests that operate as judges and auditors which claim to have the highest authority over all truths and morality. The Vatican operates as an intelligence network and uses Jesuits, Knights of Malta, and Knights of Columbus to infiltrate intelligence agencies like the CIA and NSA.

NG 191-NG 163, Murder by Government Decree

1,642 people per day in England  are being euthanised in order the NHS Trusts get money, your money to the tune of £161 billion per year from the National Insurance contribution alone. They have hidden the protocol NG 191 within a new protocol NG 163 to serve the Cygnus programme unleashed in 2016 to deal with pandemic. From the legal standpoint the state is moving to have the named nurses liable as the administrators of the medical procedure.

Moving assets to the Vatican bank, What it means

Pope’s admission of genocide demands all assets move to the Vatican bank to secure the debt to China levied against the western nations and person. Under the terms of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should it be known that genocide has occurred, then those responsible, either as individuals or as officers of the institution or corporation must be prosecuted and punished. Another act that can be brought against the perpetrator is to seize all assets under the “avails of crime’ statutes.

Who dictates the NHS?

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) is a branch of the Committee of 300 based in Adelphi House moving all things NHS for a very long time. Privatisation anyone? (NICE) is an agency of the National Health Service charged with promoting clinical excellence in NHS service providers in England and Wales, by developing guidance and recommendations on the effectiveness of treatments and medical procedures.