Jeremy Corbyn, the United Nations and the European genocide via mass immigration

Jeremy Corbyn in tune with all corporate controlled politicians is moving Britain to the tune played by the United Nations, to so dilute the western nations through mass immigration that genocide be achieved in western cultures. Islam is being used as the future inquisition against those not accepting of the one world corporate religion, a religion the Muslims take too through the corporate influence of Saudi Wahhabism.

In profile : The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan and the genocide of the peoples of Europe

Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.

In Profile : The Centre for European Reform and Hakluyt

The Centre states that it : is a think-tank devoted to improving the quality of the debate on the European Union. It is a forum for people with ideas from Britain and across the continent to discuss the many political, economic and social challenges facing Europe. It seeks to work with similar bodies in other European countries, North America and elsewhere in the world The CER makes a point of bringing together people from the worlds of politics and business. Most of our meetings and seminars are by invitation only, to ensure a high level of debate. Its main areas of interest are European Union budget, policies, foreign policy; Reforming the EU’s institutions; Justice & home affairs; Economics & finance; Energy & environment; Education & research; The Euro; Security & defence policy; Enlargement (specifically on Turkey); Neighbourhood policy; Transatlantic relations; Russia; China; The Middle East and the Arab Reform Initiative.

Mithra, the Hidden Source of the Game

25 January 2024 Golden Rule of Zoroastrianism :“Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.” Hillel the Babylonian when asked to define the Torah, said :“Do unto others as you would have done to yourself, the rest is a commentary. Zoroastrianism, is also known as Mazdayasna and Behdin. Mithraism, as the ultimate foundation Read More …

Rothschild/Sassoon Control China?

27 December 2023 Insight into the banking moves carried out by the House Rothschild and red China. Quotes : The thesis focuses on banking, finance and other interactions between the Rothschild dynasty and various actors from the People’s Republic of China. The potential discrep- ancy between capitalist and communist ideology is observed through the rational Read More …

Inner City Temple Bar

The City of London has an interesting and sinister name, ‘the invisible empire’.
Things are not as they appear when one takes a look at the real power brokers that made and make up the Inner City of London, Temple Bar and the City Corporation.

Brief History of Belgium

The land which eventually became the state of Belgium has mainly been a battleground between Catholic and Liberal-Protestant interests. Over the centuries and decades, this land subsequently belonged to the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs, Napoleon’s France and since 1815, the Netherlands. In 1830, mainly the Catholic middle and upper class living in the southern provinces of the United Netherlands had become so fed up with their lack of self-determination that they staged a revolution. It succeeded and the state of Belgium was born. Families like de Merode and De Ligne were initially offered the throne, but they refused and the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas came in.