What is the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve in the United States is a sort of subsidiary of the House of Rothschild through the control of the Bank of England, which Rothschild enjoys. The Central Banks are controlled by the regulations coming out of the Credit stream fund called the Bank for International Settlements. The banking cartel enjoys immunities governed by the Financial Stability Board, this in turn keeps the cartel in motion untouched by the idea of justice.

Journey into the etymology of words

In these videos we have explored the idea that the Phoenician’s, whomever they are, ran the world from the empire on the seas. We have also explored the idea that the tribe of Judah was first taken by the philistines (Phoenicians) to exact their agenda in the Levant. With that in mind let us explore the etymology or origin of words and also the phonetics which offers up the audible means for transferring the words by sound. Example, C – Sea – See. We must also grasp the importance of how words can be split to offer up a hidden meaning or element within a word.

Was the coronavirus telegraphed in 1914 by Jack London?

Is the Coronavirus another Bolshevik play to form a diaspora for the Chinese people to demolish the idea of nations for world domination? Author Jack London was a Californian Communist and member of Bohemian Grove, and was a leading light in the promotion of the future ideology of multiculturalism. In 1910 he prophesied that China would rise as an economic power, utilising Chinese labour and western machinery production.

Jurisdiction Maritime (Commercial) Law

Innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent? That ladies and gentlemen is the question for the 21 century. The Birth Certificate is a Certificate of incorporation (Inclusion) into a fiction and ties you, the flash and blood Man/Woman (man with a womb) to the Corporate government, with the addition of a Surname (Cognomen debtor of Rome). In this manner they bind your flesh and blood Christian name (Noman) which is the Creditor to Rome, to an entity they claim ownership of be definition of the fact, they created the split title and therefore they own it (Beneficiary).

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know

There no longer exists any form of representative government under the framework that is the United Nations Charter. Today what presents itself as your council or government, or more correctly, the men and women working within the same, defraud you by pretending they are still representing you after you gave them your vote. What we call government today is in fact an incorporated entity, that means that because they are corporations, they can no longer represent you a living man/woman, due to the fact the council/government has changed Jurisdiction, they have shifted from a realm of laws to a realm of commercial legislation they call the Legal System.

The rise of a new power in the west

A new power rising in the West, is it Russia or the Orthodox Church? Fact, over 200 million Russian Christians have been murdered from 1917 until 1989, is the Orthodoxy Christian or Zion? In a book written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn called  200 Years Together, he presents a 200 year window in which he shows the real power held by the Jews during that time in Russia. 

Red Shield, how to take power and keep it, MH370, the Titanic and world war

Freescale Semiconductor, the House of Rothschild, the Titanic, the Carlyle Group, 911, wars of invasion and flight MH370. If we go back to the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370 back on 14 March 2014, we can recognise a clear benefactor to that event, and a benefactor not presented to you by the mainstream media. On board the flight were four member owners of a very important patent for highly prised semiconductor for high end military application. 

In Profile : Blueprint for the New World Revolution, The Sprit of Militarism

Destruction, the first stage in the global revolution, today they impose the new order through the young generations while diverting adults. At the turn of the 20th Century Germany and Britain were at engineering loggerheads. The German products were just far too superior to the ageing industrial revolution of Britain. This position was a planned move under the hand of the House of Rothschild, in which they could back the second largest enemy to the Imperial agenda of global revolution, Germany, to take on the biggest enemy to the covetousness of Rome, Britain, and destroy both in conflict.