How the child and adult trafficking networks operate

Contrary to what the midwives tell you, the Vitamin K blood take at the birth of your child is for the data banks for child trafficking requirements. Children are ordered by bloodline and blood type. Those in particular demand will be targeted by Social Services down the line with a big help from the now corporate Academies and incorporated Primary Schools. This also operates through Council connected corporate child minding operations, who are paid cash to refer children to the Social Services network.

The laws of nation are not the Laws of State

Understanding law verses the Laws of State through the eyes of our cultural heritage, from which the loss of authority of man may be rekindled. This system is called the unwritten constitution of England and remains the highest jurisdiction in force. Given today we have many jurisdictions of Law you have to invoke the unwritten jurisdiction by language and through the written word, by applying the correct grammar.

Trump, King Cyrus, the third temple and the mass movement of people

At the Royal Arch level of York Rite Freemasonry the oath is taken to Israel, not the Church of England, modern Masonry is an arm of the Talmud. “For the good of Masonry, generally, but for the Jewish nation in particular.
Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry” — quoted from Craig Heimbichner’s book Blood on the Altar, page 83. Pictured on the page is the Masonic Jewel, Royal Arch, 7th Degree rite in which York Rite Freemasons pledge allegiance to the Jewish nation. The Masonic jewell of this rite is Solomon’s Seal with a sun blazing inside a triangle in the centre.

Corporate Sentencing Council moves to secure religious authority in online debates

How the body corporate is moving to protect its religious and gender moves against civility and Gods Law, welcome to the Sentencing Council. The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has drafted changes to public order offences, including anyone perceived as targeting online a “protected characteristic” including “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.”

Satanic Alpha runs theology, Gods new bankers are Zionists

What you need to know about the Academies and the City. God’s new bankers are Evangelicals. Over the past decade, a specific type of evangelical Christianity has taken hold of the Square Mile, although only recently has it dared speak its name (at least in City circles). Foremost among them is the Alpha course, whose extraordinary expansion has been funded in part from the deep pockets of former Lazard chairman Ken Costa

In Profile : Moodle, the corporate schools Virtual Environment

Moodle. School internet platforms, an open door for paedophiles and other animals. Is it safe for children inside corporate Intelligence platforms? Here we have a company that from 2008 has pushed itself into the corporate schools promoting itself as the greatest thing since sliced bread, offering full and complete access into this virtual world for pupils and the parents. The following report was first published in 2008 as the Academy agenda took off.