BlackRock letters show body corporate moving the climate scam

BlackRock letters show body corporate moving the climate scam





18 January 2020

On Tuesday  14 January, the world’s largest investor, BlackRock, sent out two letters, one addressed to Clients made up of the super wealthy and high level advisors and the other to CEOs of companies in which Blackrock invests. Both letters announced an inevitable earthquake that’s coming to global capitalism. Of course it is not capitalism itself that has birthed this catastrophe it is the monopolisation of Capital through incorporation that has moved global assets into the fantasy climate taxation system, administered via the Smart networks and an electronic global currency. Though not saying when it will hit, the letters made clear that such will take place in the near future, adding, and sooner than most anticipate… there will be a significant reallocation of capital.

BlackRock manages around $7 trillion in funds so its will has the power to drag investors to the will of the bankers.

The letters anticipate decades before transition is complete and claim the authority of their decision to be based on the idea that a 90 percent consensus of climate scientists in support of the Club of Rome’s  global tax system to reduce C02 can mean only one thing…non-renewable energy sources such as oil, coal and gas have to be supersede with renewable methods such as solar and wind. They predict the pressure from the banking cartel against self sufficiency for the nations will be combated by forcing the non-renewables to lower their prices to be competitive, the knock on effect will be to shift investment out of oil and gas and into the geoengineering platform including the network of wind turbines.

The problem I see with the future of solar energy is the ability of the elect to haze out the Sun with chemtrails, with the loss of oil, gas and coal availability they really will be in full control of all energy sources utilised by the global populations.

There is another problem in the omission of the facts as it relates to the scientific premise when it comes to the classification of oil as an organic compound. In 1892 the Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature codified organic substances, ostensibly for commercial purposes, John D. Rockefeller made sure oil was included as an organic substance. He did this by placing his own pet scientists who successfully argued that oil was organic, and thus finite.

The Letters :

A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance

Dear CEO,

As an asset manager, BlackRock invests on behalf of others, and I am writing to you as an advisor and fiduciary to these clients. …

I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance.

The evidence on climate risk is compelling investors to reassess core assumptions about modern finance. …

Investors are increasingly reckoning with these questions and recognising that climate risk is investment risk. …

In the near future – and sooner than most anticipate – there will be a significant reallocation of capital.

As a fiduciary, our responsibility is to help clients navigate this transition. …

Over the next few years, one of the most important questions we will face is the scale and scope of government action on climate change, which will generally define the speed with which we move to a low-carbon economy. …

We don’t yet know which predictions about the climate will be most accurate, nor what effects we have failed to consider. But there is no denying the direction we are heading. Every government, company, and shareholder must confront climate change. …

Sustainability as BlackRock’s New Standard for Investing

Dear Client,

Since BlackRock’s founding in 1988, we have worked to anticipate our clients’ needs to help you manage risk and achieve your investment goals. As those needs have evolved, so too has our approach, but it has always been grounded in our fiduciary commitment to you. …

The most significant of these factors today relates to climate change, not only in terms of the physical risk associated with rising global temperatures, but also transition risk – namely, how the global transition to a low-carbon economy could affect a company’s long-term profitability. …

As your fiduciary, BlackRock is committed to helping you navigate this transition and build more resilient portfolios. …

These models will use environmental, social, and governance (ESG)-optimised index exposures in place of traditional market cap-weighted index exposures. …

• Reducing ESG Risk in Active Strategies – In heightening our scrutiny on ESG issues. …

• Putting ESG Analysis at the Heart of Aladdin – We have developed proprietary measurement tools to deepen our understanding of material ESG risks. For example, our Carbon Beta tool allows us to stress-test issuers and portfolios for different carbon pricing scenarios. …

• Doubling Our Offerings of ESG ETFs. …

• Working with Index Providers to Expand and Improve the Universe of Sustainable Indexes. …

• Expanding Sustainable Active Investment Strategies. …

Our Commitment

Our role as a fiduciary is the foundation of BlackRock’s culture. …

We invest on your behalf, not our own. …

While the low-carbon transition is well underway, the technological and economic realities mean that the transition will take decades. Global economic development, particularly in emerging markets, will continue to rely on hydrocarbons for a number of years. As a result, the portfolios we manage will continue to hold exposures to the hydrocarbon economy as the transition advances.

A successful low-carbon transition will require a coordinated, international response from governments aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, including the adoption of carbon pricing globally, which we continue to endorse. …

The steps we are taking today will help strengthen our ability to serve you as a fiduciary. Sustainability is becoming increasingly material to investment outcomes. …

[1] proofs below The link below contains the documents listed under in support of the claims that oil is not from fossils and that it is not running out , it can in fact be created in a lab …it is renewable!HvpiiaYQ!PT-Jh2JVd8OMdjTGmDHsjA

US private equity group Blackstone has also been cashing in on corona.

Blackstone, together with London-based Telereal Trillium, bought thousands of Victorian railway arches from Network Rail in 2018, becoming the UK’s largest landlord for small businesses in the process. As the corona crisis hits, it has refused to waive rents for tenants.

Why is Blackstone so keen to get that rent? Because it has other investments it wants to make. It also made the news last week for a £120m deal to buy 22 logistics sites across the UK, as online shopping booms thanks to the corona crisis.

And because it has people at the top to enrich. According to Bloomberg, Blackstone gave its chairman and co-founder Steve Schwarzman and his top two executives a combined $802.6 million last year.

Further Study
Oil As A Fossil Fuel Is Fake Science
The 2030 Deception, Whats Really Going On?
Oil, Climate Change, Loss Of Right To Travel And The Islamic Control Of UK Fuel
Modern Warfare Strategy Against The Populations Coordinated By The Bilderberg Steering Committee
In Profile : The Royal Society, A Very Well Paid Government Department Pushing Climate Change
The Regulation Of Geoengineering, House Of Commons 10 March 2010
Climate Mafia Re-Define A Hurricane For Extra Weather Terrors